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"You're a mighty solemn-faced cuss, young feller," he said, with drunken hilarity; "have a drink with me, and don't be so high and mighty. I'm a damned good sort when you know me ain't that so, Jim Rawlings?" "A very good sort indeed," answered the captain suavely; "but a bit too convivial too early in the day."

Presently Warner came aft, nodded to Rawlings, and held out his hand to the chief officer. "Shake hands, mister. Guess I've been a bit of a hog, but I'm sorry. It's all the fault of the whiskey." Concealing his disgust, Barry took the proffered hand of the treacherous ruffian and made some commonplace reply; then the three began talking about the ship and her cargo.

Jermyn, without paying the least attention to his ill-humour, pursued his point, continued talking to Lady Shrewsbury, and did not leave her until the repast was ended. He went to bed, proud of this triumph, and was awakened next morning by a challenge. He took for his second Giles Rawlings, a man of intrigue, and a deep player.

Walking the poop one day with Barry, he gave vent to such a sudden outburst of rage and blasphemy at the little progress made by the brig that the chief officer gazed at him in astonishment. However, on the morning of the fourth day, a steady breeze set in, and Rawlings' equanimity was restored.

This Joe was the man whom Rawlings had felled with the belaying-pin, and although when he first came on board Barry had conceived an unfavourable impression of him and his three companions, subsequent observation of the four had made him feel that he had done Joe at least an injustice, for the man, despite his sullenness and a rather quarrelsome disposition, was a good sailor and no shirker of work.

Astonishment and the efforts he made to free himself had prevented him from shouting for help. Before he had uttered a cry, Rawlings, one of the biggest of our party, running up, shoved a handkerchief into his mouth, which completely gagged him. We then all ran away, leaving him without compunction in the dark and cold.

'What a terrible thing, I said. 'Why terrible? she inquired. Poor, simple girl, with her primitive views of life, how little she understood the delicate situation that had been created, or the significance of the words she had just repeated to me. 'I detest the idea of inflicting pain even on an animal, I replied, 'and if, as you say, Mr. Rawlings appeared to be suffering on my account

"To a certain extent Barradas had my husband's confidence, but neither he nor Rawlings knew either the name or position of this place whatever other information they had gained from our former crew. They had, however, thoroughly ingratiated themselves with him, and though he had not actually revealed to them the name or position of Arrecifos, they knew pretty well everything else concerning it.

Rawlings picked up his half-smoked cigar from the table, and puffed at it in silence for a few seconds. Then he laid it down again, and his black eyes gleamed with suppressed fury as he looked at the Spaniard. But he spoke calmly. "And I tell you again that no one of us will ever be safe. If he lives, something will come out some day it always does, my brave and tender-hearted Manuel.

Barradas, Warner, and Paul, the truculent-looking Greek boatswain, were on the main-deck as Rawlings ascended. "Well?" said Barradas inquiringly. "It's all right," answered Rawlings in a low voice, as if he feared to speak aloud; "we shall be well repaid for all "