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Cortéz's "Letters," Folsom's translation, p. 71. This word mosques Cortéz constantly makes use of, apparently to keep before the people of Spain the idea that he Was conducting a holy war. A Ride to Popocatapetl. The Village of Atlizco. The old Man of Atlizco and the Inquisition. A novel Mode of Escape. An avenging Ghost. The Vice-King Ravillagigedo. The Court of the Vice-King and the Inquisition.

And yet, in the boldness of his enterprise, in the courage of its execution, in the amount of plunder realized, in military talent and prowess, Morgan the pirate was incalculably superior to Cortéz the hero. The new City of Mexico. The Discoveries of Gold. Ruins at Mexico. The Monks, and what Cortéz gained by his Piety. The City of Mexico again rebuilt. The City under Ravillagigedo.

It was the great Vice-king Ravillagigedo, toward the close of the last century , who gave the finishing strokes to the city, and established its reputation as the finest city on this continent while the vice-kingdom continued. It was then one of the best-lighted cities to be found, while in its paving he expended the large sum of $347,715.

Still there was no earthquake, and the sun rose and set as though no injury had been done to a priest. Time wore its slow course along, without any important incident occurring in this matter, until the reputation of the new Virey, Ravillagigedo, reached Atlizco.

The last and only enumeration of the inhabitants of Mexico or New Spain was made in 1794, by that distinguished Vice-king to whom I have so often referred, Ravillagigedo. This enumeration gave as the actual population 3,865,529, besides the departments of Vera Cruz, Guanajuato, and Cohahuila, which were estimated to contain 518,000 more, making a sum total of 4,412,529.

Of such a man something must be said, and to render that something intelligible, a brief account of the social and political changes of his times must be rendered. Santa Anna was born at Vera Cruz, in the year 1796, in the most prosperous era of the colonial government of the vice-kingdom of New Spain, while Ravillagigedo was Virey.

The employment for labor during the time that the large estates were neglected, and while the canals of irrigation and the silver mines were in ruins, was of the most limited character; and the very indigent circumstances to which it reduced the majority of those who ranked above the leperos must also have diminished the population of the republic much below that of the vice-kingdom under Ravillagigedo.

Yet Ravillagigedo was never at a loss for expedients when justice was to be done or the oppressed relieved. The best advice, however, that he could give the old man was to hide himself again, and to send his daughters to Mexico to accuse the monk.