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It is significant that the presidency of this council is composed of four of the most eminent leaders of the four greatest parties in Bohemia: Dr. Kramar, Klofac, Svehla and Soukup. All of these have been in prison during this war, as well as the following members of the council: Dr. Rasin and Cervinka, friends of Kramar; Cyril Dusek, former editor of Masaryk's organ The Times; Dr.

Sam tell him on his knees how he comed from Kaintuck, but Mas'r Sullivan say he bought 'em far, and that the right mas'r sell 'em sneakin' like to save rasin' a furse, and he show a bill of sale. They believe him spite of dis chile, and so Sam 'long to anodder mas'r." "Yes; but the lady, Miss Ellis. Where did you find her?" Adah asked, and Sam replied: "I'se comin' to her d'rectly.

McNab, who had followed close on their footsteps, when they reached the door, drew Adèle aside and said, "Naw, Miss Ady, I want the preevaleege o' trying to resoositate that puir gentelman. It wad be like rasin' the dead, but there'll be nae harm in tryin', to be sure". "He is dead. The doctor says so, Aunt Patty". And Adèle turned away quickly. But Mrs. McNab caught her shawl and held it.

Tomlinson's fust three ar rasin' Ned fur new housis, hors and kerige, and the like. The new ones is more amable, but yellin' fur close and truck. Uncle Peter Haskins' latest is on the warpath fur a seleskin sak, and so on and so forth.

Those newspapers which survived were subject to strict censorship and were compelled to publish leading articles written by government officials and supplied to them by the police. Dr. Kramar, one of the most prominent Czech leaders, his colleague Dr. Rasin, and five National Socialist deputies were thrown into prison, and some of them even sentenced to death.

Kramar, one of the most moderate of the Czech leaders. Dr. Kramar was arrested on May 21, 1915, on a charge of high treason as the leader of the Young Czechs; together with him were also arrested his colleague, deputy Dr. Rasin, Mr. Cervinka, an editor of the Narodni Listy, and Zamazal, an accountant.

One student who refused to wash the floor was beaten and confined to a dark cell. No wonder that many committed suicide. Dr. Vrbensky could tell how he used to get excited by the cry of the ill-treated prisoners. Even his nerves could not stand it. It is quite comprehensible, therefore, that Dr. Dr. Kramar and Dr. Rasin also had an opportunity of feeling the brutality of Polatchek and Teszinski.

And I told him how they tax wimmen without representation, and then spend millions rasin' statutes to our forefathers for fightin' agin the same thing. And how statesmen trust wimmen with their happiness, their lives and their honor, but deny 'em the rights they give to wicked men, degenerates, and men whose heads are so soft a fly will slump in if it lights on 'em.

He was not brought up before the ordinary tribunal, but before a judge who was absolutely ignorant of Czech or foreign politics, so that his condemnation might be assured. "The same fate also met his political friends, deputy Dr. Rasin and the editor of Narodni Listy, V. Cervinka. "Incredible proceedings were taken against the deputy Klofac.

Rasin, were condemned for high treason, and sentenced to long terms of imprisonment. In 1893 Professor Masaryk, realising the futility of his efforts against the encroachments of Germanism, resigned his mandate and devoted his energies to scientific and philosophical work. In 1900, however, he founded a party of his own, with a progressive democratic programme.