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In the councils of the first territorial legislature of Missouri were Sullivan, Cassidy, Murphy, McDermid, McGrady, Flaugherty, McGuire, Dunn, and Hogan, and among the merchants, lawyers, and bankers in the pioneer days of St. Louis there were a number of Irishmen, the most noted of whom were Mullanphy, Gilhuly, O'Fallon, Connor, O'Hara, Dillon, Ranken, Magennis, and Walsh.

Wouldn't that be splendid? I begin to feel quite like an administrator." This was the very longest speech that Miss Ranken was ever known to make, and she was applauded for her remarkable excursion into practical affairs. "You must tell us a little more about your winter, Mr. Ferrier.

"You mustn't start a Society for the Abolition of Ancestors, Miss Ranken. We have to make up all lost ground, and we can't help it. I'm sorry almost that I take it all so seriously. I feel so very much like a middle-aged prig. At present I seem to exude lectures and serious precepts." "You go to Yarmouth after the meeting, Mr. Ferrier?" "Yes; we must all of us copy you, and humour your uncle.

It is now as difficult to treat politico-economically the wealth of the nation as the wealth of Warwickshire a difficulty that Adam Smith would have shrunk from. These things do not lesson the value of the science of Political Economy, Mr. Ranken or Dr.

Crossing from the Ranken one of the main heads of the Georgina River, and so called after one of the pioneers of that district, J. C. L. Ranken Buchanan on a westerly course, came to the head of a creek, running through fine open downs; following it down for some days he eventually lost its channel in flooded country, and striking across a belt of dry country arrived at Tennant's Creek station on the overland line.

I heard a little of it, and understood he wasn't going to leave until the end of December. But it never occurred to me that he was such a friend of yours. You must let me know him. We old fogies often have a chance of helping nice young fellows." Mrs. Walton and Miss Ranken arrived with Blair and Fullerton, and everybody was soon at ease.

Bathgate & Co.'s premises, Old Court House Street Grosvenor House Old premises of Francis, Harrison, Hathaway & Co., Government Place, East New premises of Francis, Harrison, Hathaway & Co., Government Place, East Pehti's premises, Government Place, East Dalhousie Square, looking north-east, showing tank Old premises of Ranken & Co. Present premises of Ranken & Co. High Court, erected 1872

From the Herbert the Ranken was followed up for some distance, and the route was then to Buchanan's Creek, and down that creek to the last permanent water. From here the party struck north, and some permanent waters were discovered, amongst them being the Corella Lagoon, the finest lagoon in that district.

Why, now we've made a start, we must capture some more millionaires, and we'll have a vessel with every fleet, and no sick men lying on grimy floors. By the way, what a capital association that would be The Royal Society for the Capture of Millionaires. President and Organizing Director, Marion Dearsley; Treasurer, Lena Ranken; General Agent for Great Britain and the Colonies, Lewis Ferrier!

Of course Lewis proposed a stroll in the grounds what young man would have missed the opportunity? and he listened delightedly to that musical, girlish talk for which he had longed during his tremendous vigils on the Sea of Storms. Miss Ranken was in a flutter of exultation.