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"Look here," said he roughly, "you're bound on a randivoo with Dan'l Leggo, and you can't deny it." "I don't intend to," she answered. "And you be bound on much the same errand, though you'd deny it if your face could back up your tongue." "Dan'l Leggo has a-been my partner in business for five years, Miss Sanders. Isn't it nat'ral enough I should want to visit and consult him?"

But should the day break doubtfully, and the men incline to give themselves the benefit of the doubt, then, indeed, you will learn who are masters of the Cove. For in extreme cases the women will even invade the 'randivoo, and shrill is the noise of battle until the weather declares unmistakably for one side or the other. Does it refuse to declare itself?

Austell Bay on the east side of the Blackhead, he so far let his temper get the better of him as to sit down and warn the Collector at Fowey, telling him the when and how of the randivoo, and bidding him look out as per description for that notorious lugger the Black Joke. The letter was scarcely sent before the good soul began to repent.

But I wonder at you liggin' behind, when 'tis the only Bank Holiday randivoo this side o' Troy. . . ." "'Tidn' for want o' will," Nicky-Nan answered ruefully and truthfully, with a downward glance, which reminded Mrs Penhaligon to be remorseful. "Eh, but I forgot . . . and you with that leg on your mind! But you'll forgive a body as has been these two days in a stirabout.