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There are already fourteen of us, all living " Oh, how simple and natural they are! How wise and humbly happy! Ramuntcho quitted him with some haste, with a heart more bruised for having spoken to him, but wishing very sincerely that he should be happy in his improvident, birdlike, little home.

At this small station of Aranotz, where the carriage will leave both of them, Ramuntcho and Gracieuse, they will take the train for Bayonne, at three o'clock in the morning, and, at Bayonne afterward, the Irun express to Bordeaux.

When he ceased to be a child, when Ramuntcho began to desert from school, to wish to follow the smugglers in the mountain, Franchita would say to him: "Anyway, you take after your uncle Ignacio, we shall never make anything of you! And it was true that he took after his uncle Ignacio, that he was fascinated by all the things that are dangerous, unknown and far-off

What sort of a bandit is he then, to be so much afraid of justice? And what could be these things that happened long ago? After a silence between them, Ramuntcho said in a lower voice, with extreme distrust: "Imprison her you say this seriously, Itchoua? And where imprison her, if you please? I have no castle to hide her in "

Then, when ceased to vibrate the holy bell, which in the Basque villages interrupts life as in the Orient the song of the muezzins, Ramuntcho decided to say: "It frightens me, Gatchutcha, to see you in their company always I cannot but ask myself what ideas are in your head "

Her decision having been taken irrevocably, she thought of herself, feeling for the first time that life was closing behind her, and joined her hands for a sombre prayer. As for Ramuntcho, after this attempt to learn, after this great effort which had almost seemed a profanation to him, he bent his head before his mother's will and questioned no longer.

The Mother Superior has come also, and, in the darkness of the stairway, she makes them go up to the parlor of the little country convent; then she brings the cane-seat chairs and everyone sits down, Arrochkoa near his sister, Ramuntcho opposite, and they face each other at last, the two lovers, and a silence, full of the beating of arteries, full of leaps of hearts, full of fever, descends upon them

"And why should you not talk to your mother now, Gatchutcha, only to know what she would think? Because now, you understand, I am not as I was, an abandoned child " Slight steps behind them, in the path and above the wall, the silhouette of a young man who had come on the tips of his sandals, as if to spy upon them! "Go, escape, my Ramuntcho, we will meet to-morrow evening!

" Oh! no, they were hardly pious, the men of the great city, not more the fashionable ones who were in the society of Ramuntcho's father than the humblest laborers in the suburban district where she lived hidden; all carried away by the same current far from the hereditary dogmas, far from the antique symbols. And Ramuntcho, in such surroundings, how would he resist?

"My Ramuntcho, I would like better to wait for you longer and that you become naturalized, and that you become a soldier like the others. I tell you this, since you ask " "Truly, is it what you wish? Well, so much the better. Oh, to be a Frenchman or a Spaniard is indifferent to me. I shall do as you wish.