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"You have a lovely house, though, Florence; it is four stories high, and has such beautiful things in it, and when you look out of the windows there is so much to see, carriages, and people all dressed up." "Yes, and dirty old beggars and ragmen," said Florence, "and nasty, muddy streets." They both laughed. "What cunning little doylies," said Florence. "Who worked the little figures on them?"

To this day the odour of matting brings back to Honora the sense of closed shutters; of a stifling south wind stirring their slats at noonday; the vision of Aunt Mary, cool and placid in a cambric sacque, sewing by the window in the upper hall, and the sound of fruit venders crying in the street, or of ragmen in the alley "Rags, bottles, old iron!"

We are all in the salt country now except yourselves and the bench at Paris. We reviewed in the pines of Morlaix last month. Such brave ragmen! Forty-seven had killed a hog." The circle's eyes glistened. "Yes, the hogs fear us, but the Galley is dark as wind." "You should have seen the hogs to-day," cried the cave leader; "stupid beasts, too fat to jump." "Why didn't you stick them?"

They have sent me to visit your bench of Fontainebleau, and pray you for the ransom-money of Blogue, who lies in Bordeaux prison to be hanged. Two of his guards can be settled for eighty livres. You are rich, they say, and can pay it." "Yes, we can afford it," cried the cavern-chief boastfully. "I thought so, handsome ragmen," returned the visitor.

I tell you, ragmen, our time has come. There is nothing we cannot try." "Let us garrott every gendarme." "They keep well out of our way now, at least when single," another boasted. "We don't loot enough houses," a third grumbled. "What is the good of belonging to the nation?" "It is the sacred right of the citizen to oppress the oppressor," chimed Jude.

The spy's breath stopped in his suspense. "Ragmen, carry him back." It was a terrific blow to Jude, who still, however, retained consciousness, though now incapable of even hiss or contortion. He was held over the trap again, and the leader once more commenced speaking. "Spy," he said, "you have been condemned by the Galley-on-Land to the death which now yawns beneath you.

Strong faith alone could have withstood the continued contact with such a determined fatalism as Aunt Mary's, and yet it is interesting to note that Honora's belief in her providence never wavered. A prince was to come who was to bear her away from the ragmen and the boarding-houses and the soot: and incidentally and in spite of herself, Aunt Mary was to come too, and Uncle Tom.

To this day the odour of matting brings back to Honora the sense of closed shutters; of a stifling south wind stirring their slats at noonday; the vision of Aunt Mary, cool and placid in a cambric sacque, sewing by the window in the upper hall, and the sound of fruit venders crying in the street, or of ragmen in the alley "Rags, bottles, old iron!"

"I could inform you concerning all his movements were you only to release me." The Admiral looked away and reflected several minutes. His sinister countenance was watched with terrible constancy by Jude. At length the victim caught what he took for a relaxation of the cruel look on the face of the Admiral, who rose and tapped upon the box on which the candle stood. "Ragmen," he said.

To this day the odour of matting brings back to Honora the sense of closed shutters; of a stifling south wind stirring their slats at noonday; the vision of Aunt Mary, cool and placid in a cambric sacque, sewing by the window in the upper hall, and the sound of fruit venders crying in the street, or of ragmen in the alley "Rags, bottles, old iron!"