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"We had many's the ploy in the old days," says he, "and wild nights too. It will chust be twenty years off an' on since I was swundged behin' that fire like a sheep's heid yes. "I will haf forgotten what ploy that was I was aalways fighting." "Dol Beag, can ye no' be quate before dacent folk?" said Ronald. "Ou ay, Ronald, I was chust thinking of the old ploys I see you have strangers with you."

"Ay, puir lassie; but I doot if I'm no' cheated that Mysie'll no' be lang anywhere. The doctor says she's to be keepit quate; for she's gey low. In fact he felt me at the door that he dinna think she could last a week." Robert sat a long time looking into the fire, while his mother got ready his tea, and described to him all that she knew of Mysie's return and of her sad condition.

"Ah! would ye? Take that, then, and be quate!" and so saying, he caught LeNoir on the side of the head and sent him to the floor. "Keep him off a while, Yankee!" said Macdonald, for LeNoir was up again, and coming at him. Can ye not speak to me, Hugh?" "Oich-oh," Black Hugh groaned. "It was a necessity Donald man and he took me unawares with his keeck."

"Will you not be quate?" said Macdonald, rising after a few moments from his brother's side, where he had been wiping his lips and giving him water to drink. "You will be better outside." "Oui! you strike me on the head side. Bon! I strike you de same way! By Gar!" so saying he approached Macdonald lightly, and struck him a slight blow on the cheek. "Ay," said Macdonald, growing white and rigid.

Maybe the French Government is telling the French colliers that there is a danger o' a war wi' Britain at this minute, to keep them quate; an' if they are, do you an' me ken anything aboot what the war will be for? No' a thing does yin o' us ken. Wars are no' made by workin' folk at all!

"Whist now!" said Big Mack, in a low voice. "He has the sight. Be quate now, will you? He will be speaking." For a short time Macdonald sat gazing into the fire in silence, then turning his face toward the men who were waiting, he said: "There will be no more of this. 'Vengeance is mine saith the Lord! It is not for me. The Lord will do His own work. It is the will of the Lord."

"Ye'll have the pore crature that worried it'll set up barkin', an' if the misthress did know, there be's a dawg in the house, she'd likely just throw a fit an' die." "Is it a vewy barkable dog?" queried The Seraph. "All dogs is barkable," said Mary Ellen, "and what we'll have to do is to kape her as quate as possible and pray that her owner'll come along this way, for turn her out I will not.

Her only brother an' yes, ma'a'm, I'm comin'," her broad face disappeared, "I was on'y tellin' the young gintlemen to be nice an' quate while I git their dinner ready. Will they be havin' the cold mutten from yisterday ma'a'm?" Her voice trailed down the hall. Presently we heard the front door close. We raced to the top of the stairs.

"Tut, tut, Doctor," cried Captain Jimmie, trying to hide a smile beneath his bonnet. "Be quate man, it's the Sabbath day." "Well, here's a verse that's got a quotation from Scripture or at least an allusion to one. That's to be expected in the history of the McPhersons."

She could not go to bed without having a look at him, merely to set her fears at rest. The night-nurse was sitting in an easy chair behind the screen, reading a Tauchnitz edition of a novel by Florence Barclay. She came forward with her elaborately cautious step, smiling with all her false teeth to the fore. "How is he to-night? Going on as usual?" Esther whispered. "Oh, quate, quate!