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By hauling the boats over into this body of water a task made easy by the presence of a tiny tramway with one dilapidated push-car which had been a part of the cannery equipment it would be possible to save much time and labor. "I've heard there was a way through," O'Neil confessed, "but nobody seemed to know just where it was." "I know," the young man assured him.

Scrambling to their feet, they found an old push-car, with low sides. Alex uttered a cry. "Jack, why can't we make a dash down the spur with this old car pushing it? And say, couldn't we lift it onto the main-line rails, and run all the way home?" Jack hesitated. "Look there," he said, pointing to the wall of smoke into which the track disappeared a hundred yards away.

Near the crusher building is a large, stoutly-constructed windlass, worked by mule power, and every few moments there comes up to the surface from the depths of a shaft, a bucketful of rock and sand, which is dumped into a push-car, and from thence transferred to the line of sluice-boxes in the stream, where more half-clothed Utes are busily engaged in sifting golden particles from the rich sand.

"If they succeed in burning it, they will hold back our supplies two or three weeks, and reach the pass ahead of us, dead certain," added Jack through his teeth. "We've got to stop them, boys!" "Isn't there a hand-car or a velocipede here, Wilse?" Alex inquired. "No. Not even a push-car. And it'd take one of us an hour and a half to reach the construction-train."