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Then she shut it off completely, saying: 'We might as well go down to the lodge after Winifred we can get in the care there. 'So we can, he answered, going with her. They found Winifred at the lodge admiring the litter of purebred white puppies. The girl looked up, and there was a rather ugly, unseeing cast in her eyes as she turned to Gerald and Gudrun. She did not want to see them.

When the time came to plan definitely for the disposal of the purebred herd, she went herself to Topeka to arrange details with Baker. She was constantly thinking: "Now, what would Martin say to this?" or "Would he approve of that?" And her conclusions were reached accordingly. The sale itself was an event that was discussed in Fallon County for years afterwards.

Williams," the visitor had said, "a purebred cow must be considerably more expensive in upkeep than an ordinary one." "That's where you're mistaken," his father had replied, "for a well- bred cow eats no more than a common one in fact, Gurney eats less, and the difference in the amount and quality of the milk soon pays for the difference in the first cost.

There are ten young cows and a fine bull just the kind he should have to start a herd on his farm." At the mention of the purebreds, Bob's eyes sparkled, but after reflecting a moment he replied: "Uncle Joe'll not have money enough to buy any now, Mr. White, and besides, he doesn't think there's much advantage in purebred over ordinary cattle."

"Well, I'm sure we didn't expect you to do it for nothing," replied Bob, "and I know Uncle Joe will be pleased that you fixed it up for him." "By the way, Bob," said the banker, "you might tell your uncle that there's going to be a sale of some purebred and grade Holstein cattle next week on a farm in the southern part of the county, and that I'd like to have him bid them in.

That's a rum name. He isn't purebred you know." "No! but he's a darling," and she bent down to stroke the dog. Gentle and supple, with dark covered head and slim browned neck and hands, she seemed to Val strange and sweet, like a thing slipped between him and all previous knowledge. "When grandfather died," she said, "he wouldn't eat for two days. He saw him die, you know."

Certainly those lambs which had survived their birth now promised well. They were bigger than the purebred Kent lambs, and seemed hardy enough. Joanna watched them grow, and broke away from Marsh tradition to the extent of giving them cake she was afraid they might turn bony. As the summer advanced she pointed them out triumphantly to one or two farmers.

"Thoroughbred for a horse, and purebred for a cow," Rose repeated willingly. "When you get your money for the stock put it into mortgages first mortgages, not seconds. Let that be a principle with you. Many a holder of a second mortgage has been left to hold the sack.

His horse, having had its will, and having known his strength at the end of his incompetence, went quietly, though always with that feathery, light, tripping action peculiar to purebred Arabs, an action that suggests the treading of a spring board rather than of the solid earth.

Looking at her, he was conscious of the mingled qualities of three races in her English, Welsh, and American-Dutch of the Knickerbocker strain; and he contrasted her keen perception and her exquisite sensitiveness with the purebred Englishwomen round him, stately, kindly, handsome, and monotonously intelligent.