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Hitherto, there was no appearance of either light or life in the proctor's dwelling, and the insurgents were by no means satisfied with the progress they had made. It is true, they felt confident that none of the Purcels had escaped since they approached the house a circumstance which was impossible, in consequence of the cordon of the enemy that had been drawn around the outer wall.

From the moment the first shots were heard, on the part of the approaching enemy, the Purcels concealed all their lights, so that, when the former reached the outer wall, the house seemed wrapped in obscurity as if the family were buried in sleep.

"Them Purcels allers was pretty peppery, and I guess they're more'n ever so now," said Rhoda. "Why?" asked Marge. "Why? Because they used to be the richest farmers about here. They owned pretty nigh all Lime Ridge once. Now they hain't got nothin' but that little Ridge farm. It's a stony little place, and how they manage to get a livin' off of it beats me." "How'd they happen to lose so much?"

Both circumstances were immediately connected; his reverence's secret took wind, and before the expiration of forty-eight hours was known to the whole parish. Mogue Moglan's Anxiety for the Safety of the Purcels Tithe Distraint Good News for Mr. Temple.

He's kind o' quick, like all the Purcels, but he's real accommodatin'." "So he is, Rhoda, and I'll give him one of the prettiest eggs we turn out for being so 'accommodatin'; and we are going to have some extra pretty ones this time. See this now, and this, and this!" and Elsie whipped out of her pocket several bits of bright calico.

"I hope, my lard an' gintlemen, that I has now done my duty in defendin' the Purcels and that I've proved to your satisfaction that they ought to be acquitted." This harangue of Hourigan's was received with singular alternations of fierce rage, and mirth that was still fiercer and more frightful.

I forgive Purcel and his sons; it was neither him nor them that took my boy's life, but the sogers oh, no!" she exclaimed, "I see what you're bint on, and why you are sittin' to try the unfortunate Purcels. I read it in your black fearful looks, and dark faces may God turn your hearts, and forgive you for bringin' me here this night!

The Purcels, knowing that they were looked upon by the people in a hostile spirit, and aware of the disguises which those secret confederacies, that are so peculiar to our unfortunate country, often take for treacherous and vindictive purposes, came to the resolution of putting every servant in the house, male and female, from off the premises.

The house was immediately surrounded, and guards were placed at the doors and lower windows, with strict and fatal orders to allow none of the family to escape, with the exception of the females one of whom was to be secured, as the reader knows, for a particular purpose, and the rest as chance or passion might direct. The Purcels, in the meantime, ably served and assisted by Mrs.

"True enough, sir; and sure if the Purcels break the law, it is only upon the people, and arn't the people, your worship, as ready to break the law as the Purcels! Sorra warrant, then, I'd grant against Misther John this bout." "And what would you do, Sam?" "I'd bind Hourigan over to keep the pace."