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"You are not to mention it to any one, you understand, or hint at it. We three, I repeat, are to look out for ourselves only. Ibbotson is to find the money to get to Paris, and I furnish the brains." "What am I to find?" "Find your way to Paris, if you can. You are a good fellow, Herman, and I will take you in because you are some punkins."

I'm a-comin', I'm a-comin', an' I'm shorely gwine to get yer! You heah me, Mr. Pocket? I'm gwine to get yer as shore as punkins ain't cauliflowers!" He turned and flung a measuring glance at the sun poised above him in the azure of the cloudless sky. Then he went down the canyon, following the line of shovel-holes he had made in filling the pans.

"But ye did an extry piece of work last night, though. Great punkins! how I'd like to 'ave been there." "So you have heard about it already, eh?" "Sure; couldn't keep a thing like that a secret fer two hours in this place. Sandy Morgan, on his way to the wharf, stopped to tell me about it. Ho, ho, it was great."

Laurette was gazing at him in a way that pierced his jealous pain and thrilled his heart strangely; and as he looked at her he began to forget Bill Goodine altogether. But Goodine was not to be forgotten. "I said," he cried, in a loud voice, "that you, Jim Reddin, jest dasn't cut out them logs. You think yourself some punkins, you do; but ye're a coward!"

"I was to the Sewin' So " "Yes, I went," said Miss Clegg, her air decidedly weary; "oh, yes, I went. I had a nice ride too, 'n' I do believe I saw the whole farm, from the pigs to the punkins." There was a pause, and Mrs. Lathrop filled it to the brim with expectancy until she could wait no longer. "Are you " she finally asked. "No," said her friend, sharply, "I ain't.

Pretty soon you'll hear 'em shoutin' for their coffee in bed, mind you, and them grown men. What d'ye know about boatin' on the water? I'm a cowman and a prospector, but I'm sure tenderfooted on water, an' they don't know punkins. What d'ye know?" "Search me," Kit answered, snuggling in closer under the tarpaulin as the snow whirled before a fiercer gust.

"Well, sir, to come to the pint at once, as you fellers allus happin to say, since I was knee-hight of a grasshopper I had a hankerin' after the law, and allus envied tother fellers when they'd to go to the 'Squire's on trials, and I tell you they thought themselves some punkins when they got a day's wages for goin'"

You'd might as well be drowned marchin' as standin' still. 'Tain't rainin' no worse further ahead than here. Forward!" "Close up, boys," said Shorty, taking little Pete's gun and the youngster's hand. "This's only a Spring shower. 'Tain't nothin' to what we had on the Tullyhomy Campaign. There the drops was as big as punkins, and come as thick as the grains on a ear o' corn.

Douglas could hardly control himself at these brazen words. Jake, sitting by his side, was wriggling and muttering many "Great punkins!" under his breath. In fact, the entire assembly was becoming restless and ready for almost anything. But Tom remained remarkably calm. He took a step forward and faced the Squire. "Ye hear what Ben says, sir," he began, "an' ye've heard what we've said.

He said: ``Yew kin depend on 't, he ain't a-goin' to do nothin'; he don't know nothin' about corn, and he don't want to know nothin' about corn; AND HE DON'T BELIEVE IN PUNKINS! Depend on 't, as soon as his new barn is finished and all his new British tackle is brought together, he'll quit the job. I reasoned that, to a farmer brought up among the glorious fields of Indian corn in western New York, and accustomed to rejoice in the sight of golden pumpkins, diffusion of other cultures must seem like treason; but, alas! he was right.