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I cannot think upon them, for it makes me sad. It is true what is said in the pantun of the men of Kĕdah: 'Pûlau Pinang has a new town, And Captain Light is its King; Do not recall the days that are gone, Or you will bow down your head, And the tears will gush forth! 'Ya Allah! Ya Tûhan-ku! Verily, I cannot think upon it!

The Headman of the pursuing band was Che’ Bûrok of Pûlau Tâwar, but he was a prudent person who kept well in the rear until the deed had been done.

In some works, Pulau Kalamantan, which would signify wild mangoes island, is given as the native name for Borneo, but it is quite unknown, at any rate throughout North Borneo, and the island is by no means distinguished by any profusion of wild mangoes.

Therefore, at my request the native authorities agreed to have the Bangkal Dayaks congregate here, the kapala himself undertaking to bring them. The population of the kampong Sembulo, formerly called Pulau Tombak, at the present time is Malay, comprising more than two hundred full-grown men, nearly all recent arrivals from Bandjermasin, Sampit, Pembuang, and other places.