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Not discouraged by her inspection of his hands, black as they were, Miss St. John continued, 'But what would your grandmother say? she asked. 'She maun ken naething aboot it, mem. I can-not tell her a'thing. She wad greit an' pray awfu', an' lock me up, I daursay. Ye see, she thinks a' kin' o' music 'cep' psalm-singin' comes o' the deevil himsel'. An' I canna believe that.

I likes a good book myself, an', though I don't care about prayin' or psalm-singin', seein' I don't understand 'em, I say `good luck' to the mission smacks, if it was for nothin' else than the books, an' doctor stuff, an' mitts what the shoregoin' ladies bless their hearts! is so fond o' sendin' to us." "Ay, an the cheap baccy, too, that they say they're a-goin' to send to us," added Freeman.

Then, with swift feminine abandonment of her position, she added, with a little laugh, "It's all the same whether you're guarded with a rifle or a Church Presbytery, only" "Only what?" said Madison earnestly. "There's men who'd risk being SHOT for a girl, that couldn't stand psalm-singin' palaver."

The memory of his recent failure and fall came over him. "What's the use o' me attendin' your meetin's?" he said, almost angrily; "my soul's past recovery, for I don't believe in your prayin' an' psalm-singin'." "You trusted me freely wi' your hand, David, though I'm no surgeon.

The main point was that our uncle, in his capacity of brigadier-general, mark you, had wrote to the papers highly approvin' o' Dicky Bridoon's mechanical substitutes an 'ad thus obtained promotion all same as a agnosticle stoker psalm-singin' 'imself up the Service under a pious captain.

I've heard men say that they don't mean nothin' by their swearin'. P'raps the psalm-singin' men might say the same; but for my part if they both mean nothin' by it, I'd rather be blessed than cursed by my mates any day." "The admiral's signallin', sir," sung out Luke, putting his head down the companion at that moment.

When this reply was finished, the vessels were too far apart for further intercourse. "Humph!" ejaculated Gunter, "one o' the psalm-singin' lot, I suppose." "If it's the psalm-singin'," said Spivin, "as makes Jim Frost bear his troubles wi' good temper, an' thank God for foul weather an' fair, the sooner you take to it the better for yourself."

Still, there's a little brand of the lost sheep, hey? Enough to prove property, huh? Mark of the beast, I s'pose the psalm-singin' relations would call it. D n em! "Steady!" broke in the captain. Mr. Smith started, seemed to remember where he was, and his manner changed. "Come and see me, honey," he coaxed, drawing the girl toward him by the hand he was holding.

"He gave me six days in the court," said Jess Mitchell, who had had a difference of opinion with another lady in the Vennel and received the Bailie's best attention from the Bench, "and if I hadna to hear him preach a sermon as long as my leg besides confound him for a smooth-tongued, psalm-singin', bletherin' old idiot!

Nevertheless, I am anxious about your soul at first sight. I can't tell how it is, but so it is." "Come, now," said Ned, becoming suddenly stern. "I don't believe in your religion, or your Bible, or your prayin' and psalm-singin'. I tell you plainly, I'm a infidel.