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The landing was encumbered with lumber and stones for building, and, as the moon was just then covered by a thick cloud, the search was difficult. "I declare, ain't this provokin'!" Rebecca cried, at length. "These beams and blocks impede us," said the officer. "We must have light, perforce. Ho there! The watch, ho! Bring your lanthorn!"

You see, for a boy to set there seein' all them know-nothin' boys gradj'ate, one after another, offhand, the way they was doin', was mighty provokin', an' when Sonny is struck with a sense of injestice, why, he ain't never been known to bear it in silence. He taken that from her side o' the house.

An' then I laffed one on them provokin' laffs uv mine oh, I tell ye, I was the worst feller for hectorin' folks you ever seen! But I meant it all in fun, for when I suspicioned they did n't like my funnin', I sez: "Bill," sez I, "an' Marthy, there 's only one name I 'd love above all the rest to call your little lambkin, an' that's the dearest name on earth to me the name uv Lizzie, my wife!"

"Hoots," retorted Leeby, trying to be hardy, "Hookey canna be oot o' Tilliedrum yet." "He maun hae startit lang syne." "I wonder at ye, mother, puttin' yersel in sic a state. Ye'll be ill when he comes." "Na, am no in nae state, Leeby, but there'll no be nae accident, will there?" "It's most provokin' 'at ye will think 'at every time Jamie steps into a machine there'll be an accident.

Name the word in the index, he'll turn to the page, and give you day, date, and fact, for it. There is no mistake in him. "That cussed provokin' visit of yours to Scotland will shove them things into the next book, I'm afeered.

"When I come back, I shall bring my wife with me!" "God bless us and save us," she exclaimed, "it'll be quare to think of you with a wife, an' it on'y the other day since you were a child, an' me skelpin' you for provokin' me. Well, I'll have the house ready for yous both when you come!" "Will you tell Matier to harness the horse...." "I'll tell him this minute.

Hodgen himself, who's in the gyardens, to let these leedies pass. Don't be froightened, me dear madam, I'm not going to quarl with this gintleman, at any reet before leedies. Will ye go, sir, and desoire Mr. "It ain't no use, captain. I can't go about your business," the checktaker said; on which the captain swore an oath, and the elder lady said, "Lor, ow provokin!"

She got after her brother mornin', noon and night about the smokin' habit. The most provokin' part of it, so she said, was that he always agreed with her. "'It's ruinin' your health, she'd say. "'Yes, says Kenelm, lookin' solemn, 'I cal'late that's so. I've been feelin' poorly for over a year now. Worries me consider'ble. Pass me that plug on the top of the clock, won't you, Hannah?

There wasn't no man I wouldn't of met fair and square with bare hands or with a gun. Maybe my hands was big, but they were fast on the draw. I've lived all my life with iron on the hip, and my six-gun has seven notches. "But McGurk downed me fair and square. There wasn't no murder. I was out for his hide, and he knew it. I done the provokin', an' he jest done the finishin', that was all.

"Jamie; Jamie! ye're provokin the Lord to anger sweirin like that in his vera face and you a minister!" "I provokit him a heap waur whan I left Isy to dree her shame! Divna ye min' hoo the apostle Peter cursed, whan he said to Simon, 'Gang to hell wi' yer siller!" "She's telt the soutar, onygait!" "What! has he gotten a hand o' her?" "Ay, has he!