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But the only woman who really sways him is the proudish Cornificia, who is almost as incapable of treachery as Pertinax himself. He is the best governor the City of Rome has had in our generation. Can you imagine what Rome would be like without him? Call to mind what it was like when Fuscianus was the governor!" "These are strange times, Sextus!" "Aye!

If you marry Belinda, I have left you a third of my fourth in the tea trade. Always said you were cut out for a grocer. Let Tat sell my stud. An excellent man, Tat proudish perhaps at least, he never inwites me to none of his dinners but still a werry good man. Let him sell them, I say, and mind give Snapdragon a charge or two of shot before he goes to the 'ammer, to prevent his roaring.

Now when Hans found it was only a moss-man, he took heart again, and said in a shaking voice, that 'It is rare good sport in good company; and then the Spirit jumped off his horse, and said, 'Now, Hans, you must watch me well, for I am little used to bag game. He said this with a proudish air, as much as to hint, that had not he expected Hans he would not have rode out this evening without his groom.

Isn't it enough for me to know what I know already, but you must make me a partner in that shameful business? 'Polly, said Jervase, almost fawning on him, 'I've been a hard man all my life, and I've lived a hard life for years. I've been a proudish sort of chap, in my own way, and I've never stooped to ask any man's pardon twice for the same offence.