United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The foreign and the Chinese press has since been paying considerable attention to this question and frequently publishing pro-Chinese or pro-Japanese comments in order to call forth the World's conjecture a matter which the Chinese Government deeply regrets.

It revealed the hollowness of the claim that pro-Chinese propaganda had wilfully misled Americans into confusing the few hundred square miles around the port of Tsing-tao with the Province of Shantung with its thirty millions of Chinese population.

"The whole mass of the people are violently pro-Chinese in their sentiments," the American representative stated in a private despatch to his Government, "and so violently anti-Japanese that it is impossible to obtain other than a volume of execrations and vituperations against them when questioned," A semi-official Japanese statement that their Minister and his troops had gone to the palace at the King's request, to defend him, made the matter rather worse.

The foreign and the Chinese press has since been paying considerable attention to this question and frequently publishing pro-Chinese or pro-Japanese comments in order to call forth the World's conjecture a matter which the Chinese Government deeply regrets.

A few Toba who still remained with their old tribes placed themselves at the head of the rebels and conquered not only the whole of Shansi but also the capital, where there was a great massacre of Chinese and pro-Chinese Toba. The rebels were driven back; in this a man of the Kao family distinguished himself, and all the Chinese and pro-Chinese gathered round him.

Tibet to grant amnesty to those Tibetans known for their pro-Chinese inclinations and to restore to them their property. Clause 5 of Tibetan claims can be discussed. Revision of Trade Regulations of 1893 and 1908, if found necessary, must be made by all the parties concerned. In regard to the limits of Tibet China claims Giamda and all the places east of it.