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It is the most stupendous spectacle in the most stupendous and public moment of the world, of sheer romanticism and sentimentality, of one single man with God and forty nations looking on, prinking his soul before the twisted mirror of himself that could be conceived.

"Hang your wraps in that closet for the time being, make yourselves presentable there is a mirror on purpose for prinking and then get acquainted with your new home. There is still an hour and a half before luncheon will be served, and that ought to give you quite an opportunity to make discoveries. Now away with you!"

AFÓNYA. Where are you dressing up to go to? Why are you prinking so at that mirror? TATYÁNA. Nowhere; we're going to stay at home. LUKÉRYA. What business is it of yours? Do you think we ought to be as slovenly as yourself? AFÓNYA. But who are you fixing up for? For your husband? He loves you more than you deserve even without the fine clothes. Or is it for some one else? LUKÉRYA. Hear him!

While helping the ladies with their wraps, she observed what they wore, how they carried themselves, and what a vast amount of prinking they did, not to mention the flood of gossip they talked while shaking out their flounces and settling their topknots.

Now for one hour by the clock you've to shut your eyes and be quiet. Go to sleep if you can! I'll wake you up in time for the prinking." Elma buried her head in the cushions and shed a silent tear. Cornelia was laughing at her, and she could not bear it.

In the camp he was as busy as an old housewife, and occupied his leisure time mending, stitching and darning. Many a morning my own toilet consisted of a face wash at the spring, but my guide seldom failed to spend as much time prinking as if he expected distinguished visitors!

"On her knees worshipping, I bet you, up to the last minute! Or else not allowed to show her nose till the Honourable John's got his studs in. Now then, girls, how much longer are you going to stand preening and prinking?"

"To think that they will associate with us girls, pretending to be young, when everybody knows that they are not: dressing, prinking, reading novels, and making poetry; while their poor old slave of a mother is making butter and cheese."

I have n't touched one this ever so long," said Fanny, looking down with a superior air. "I ain't ashamed, for it keeps Maud happy, and will please my sister Kitty; and I think sewing is better than prinking or reading silly novels, so, now."

When she entered the car, and saw besides herself several young girls prinked in their best, who were also going to the Christmas-tree, she felt a sort of amused pride, that all their prinking and preening was in vain. She assumed that all of them had dressed to attract Wollaston. She could not think of any other man whom any girl could wish to attract.