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Most probbly there was nothing in it so many lies is told about families Marobblan went away, bag and baggage, saucepans, and pianna, and all the feller ad a pianna, and wrote potry in French, and he took a lodging at Clavering, and he hankered about the primises, and it was said that Madam Fribsy, the milliner, brought letters to Miss Hamory, though I don't believe a word about it; nor that he tried to pison hisself with charcoal, which it was all a humbug betwigst him and Madam Fribsy; and he was nearly shot by the keeper in the park."

As first selectman of this town I congratulate you on gettin' home, and extend the compliments of the season." He briskly shook Mr. Crymble's limp hand a palm as unresponsive as the tail of a dead fish. "Now," continued the Cap'n, dropping his assumed geniality, "you stay here where I've put you. If I catch you off'm these primises I'll bat your old ears and have you arrested for a tramp.

'Me an' me people has occypied these here primises f'r manny years, I says, 'an' here we mean to stay, I says.

'I've heerd me good ol' cast-iron gods or josses abused, I says, 'an' I've been packed full iv canned goods, an' th' Peking Lightnin' Express is r-runnin' sthraight through th' lot where th' bones iv me ancesthors lies, I says. 'I've shtud it all, I says, 'but whin ye come here to bounce me off iv me own primises, I says, 'I'll have to take th' leg iv th' chair to ye, I says.

"It's about time for me to see what you're flourishing round here promiskous, like a bill o' sale of these primises," he snarled. "You can read it, and read it out jest as loud as you want to," said the man, coming forward and putting a grimy finger on a paragraph displayed prominently on the folded sheet of newspaper. The Colonel took one look and choked.

But her husband was beforehand in answering. "No, nor he woon't hev the stick, whether you want it or no," pursued Dagley, throwing out his voice, as if he wanted it to hit hard. "You've got no call to come an' talk about sticks o' these primises, as you woon't give a stick tow'rt mending. Go to Middlemarch to ax for your charrickter."

"That it's a crying shame for a man to kape company with with you, an' at the same time be chake by jowl with a woman iv her stamp." "And why?" "To come drippin' from the muck to dirty yer claneness! An' ye can ask why?" "But wait, Matt, wait a moment. Granting your premises " "Little I know iv primises," he growled. "'Tis facts I'm dalin' with." Frona bit her lip. "Never mind.

I reckon Master Tom told Harry to feed 'em, but there's no countin' on Harry; he's an offal creatur as iver come about the primises, he is. He remembers nothing but his own inside an' I wish it'ud gripe him." "Oh, Luke, Tom told me to be sure and remember the rabbits every day; but how could I, when they didn't come into my head, you know?