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She turned her horrified face away and surrendered to a fresh paroxysm, but at length she stammered between gasps that wrenched her tightened throat: "Kiver him up first, Ken. Kiver him up ... I kain't endure ter look at him thetaway!" Although the moments were pricelessly valuable, the man straightened the contorted limbs of the dead body and covered it decently with a quilt.

It was full of the inevitable platitudes about esprit de corps and a sportsmanlike spirit. Now and then Akerman stumbled, and had some difficulty in reading his own writing. If there had not hung over him the prospect of a very severe beating, Gordon would have enjoyed himself thoroughly. Akerman was so pricelessly absurd. The rest looked painfully self-conscious.

He looked at her not the look of a man at a woman, but the look of a busy person at one who is about to show cause for having asked for a portion of his valuable time. She laughed and laughter was her best gesture. "I can never talk to you if you pose like that," said she. "Honestly now, is your time so pricelessly precious?" He echoed her laugh and settled himself more at his ease.

Long ago he had realized in Jinnie and the fiddle essentials essentials to his future and his happiness, and to-day her kisses and divine, womanly yielding had only strengthened that realization. Nothing now was of any importance to him save this vibrant, temperamental girl. There was something so delightfully young so pricelessly dear in the way she had surrendered herself to him.

Sir Reginald instantly recognised the supreme importance of securing so pricelessly valuable a specimen, and carefully levelled his rifle.

Kellogg had been laboring to pump up a head of enthusiasm; now he was ready to valve it off. "But this is amazing! This will make scientific history! Now, of course, you all realize how pricelessly valuable these Fuzzies are. They must be brought at once to Mallorysport, where they can be studied under laboratory conditions by qualified psychologists, and " "No."

Haven't you been coming here as regular as the milkman for a month past " "Oh, come now! Only once a day. I've an idea milkie comes twice, and besides " "And what did ye come for, my lad?" with an emphatic nod and a menacing shake of the frail white hand, pricelessly jewelled above, comfortably black-silk-mittened below. "Tell me that now! What did ye come for?"

If they didn't die of it, it wasn't "real" tuberculosis. Now we have changed all that, and have even begun to go to the opposite extreme, of declaring with the German experts, "Jeder Mann ist am ende ein bischen tuberkulöse." Our first suspicion of it came from the records of that gruesome, but pricelessly valuable, treasure-house of solid facts in pathology the post-mortem room, the dead-house.

But, beneath his armor of dignity, he quaked to think what the results to himself must have been, had he obeyed his first impulse of drawing his pistol and shooting the adored and pricelessly useful collie. Mahan, stolidly rejoicing in his victory over the top-lofty potentate whom he disliked, led the way out of the crowded vestibule into the street.

Maurice trembled as he reflected how pricelessly valuable was every hour, every minute, in that mad project of joining forces with Bazaine, a project that could be carried to a successful issue only by an officer of genius, with seasoned troops under him, who should press forward to his end with the resistless energy of a whirlwind, crushing every obstacle that lay in his path.