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His list was long and varied, ranging from a mighty transformer, capable of delivering thousands of kilovolts down to a potentiometer, so sensitive that it would register the difference of potential set up by two men in shaking hands. From daylight until dark Seaton worked in the laboratory, either alone or superintending and assisting the men at work there.

With a vacuum tube detector, and especially with one having a gas-content, a potentiometer is very necessary as it is only by means of it that the potential of the plate of the detector can be accurately regulated. The result of proper regulation is that when the critical potential value is reached there is a marked increase in the loudness of the sounds that are emitted by the head phones.

The potentiometer must never be shunted around the B battery or the latter will soon run down. A potentiometer costs a couple of dollars. The Parts and How to Connect Them Up. To wire up the parts connect the leading-in wire of the aerial with the primary coil, which is the middle one of the tuner, and connect the other terminal with the ground.

"You're the doctor but I'm glad it's you that'll have to explain to the observatory," and Breckenridge set his exceedingly delicate excess power potentiometer exactly upon the indicated figure. "Well, we've got a few minutes left for a chin-chin before we lift her off." "What's all this commotion about? Dish out the low-down." "Well, it's like this, Steve.

"And yet he's so far away and going so fast that if we keep our inertia on it'll take all day at full drive to overtake him." Cleveland was frankly puzzled. "What to do? Shunt in a potentiometer?" "No, we don't need it." Rodebush turned to the transmitter. "Costigan! We are going to take hold of you with a very light tractor. Don't cut it!" "A tractor inertialess?" Cleveland wondered. "Why not?"

Shunt the potentiometer around the A battery and connect the sliding contact with the or zinc pole of the B battery and the + or carbon pole with one terminal of the headphone; connect the other terminal to one of the posts of the variometer and the other post of the variometer to the plate of the detector. Finally shunt a .001 mfd. fixed condenser around the headphones.

The smallest size coils cost about $1.50 apiece and the mounting costs about $6 or $7 each. The A Battery Potentiometer. This device is simply a resistance like the rheostat described in connection with the preceding vacuum tube receiving sets but it is wound to 200 or 300 ohms resistance as against 1-1/2 to 6 ohms of the rheostat. It is, however, used as well as the rheostat.

In using either of these heterodyne receivers be sure to carefully adjust the B battery by means of the potentiometer. Wireless Headphones. A telephone receiver for a wireless receiving set is made exactly on the same principle as an ordinary Bell telephone receiver.

For this set you require: one variocoupler; two variometers; one .001 microfarad variable condenser; one .0005 microfarad variable condenser; one 2 megohm grid leak resistance; one vacuum tube detector; one 6 volt A battery; one 200 ohm potentiometer; one 22-1/2 volt B battery; one .001 microfarad fixed condenser, and one pair of 2,000 ohm headphones.

For this set you require: one variocoupler; two variometers; one .001 microfarad variable condenser; one .0005 microfarad variable condenser; one 2 megohm grid leak resistance; one vacuum tube detector; one 6 volt A battery; one 200 ohm potentiometer; one 22-1/2 volt B battery; one .001 microfarad fixed condenser, and one pair of 2,000 ohm headphones.