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"But surely you will not take this young lady to the River Plate?" cried the astounded second officer. "She knew where she was bound w'en she kem aboard the Andromeda," said the skipper, frowning now like a man who argues with himself. "There's her portmanter to prove it, with a label, an' all, in her own 'and-writin'. It's some game played on me by 'er an' 'er uncle.

Sure, didn't I find that they wos chargin' tshoo dollars aiqual to eight shillin's, I'm towld for carryin' a box or portmanter the length o' me fut; so I turns porter all at wance, an' faix I made six dollars in less nor an hour.

Slick, sais he, 'this is dreadful. I never saw any thing so bad before in all this country; but what can't be cured must be endured, I do suppose. We must only be good-natured and do the best we can, that's all. An emigrant house is no place to stop at, is it? There is a tin case, sais he, 'containin' a cold tongue and some biscuits, in my portmanter; please to get them out.

Who is it that has come quite humble like for shelter under our roof this night?" In her eagerness to extract an answer she pinched the arm she held a little. "It's not a riddle you're asking me?" said John, withdrawing himself a pace. "No, no, man! it's the young squire himself, for sure. Paul Lessing is on his portmanter," she said looking round, for fear she should be overheard by a neighbour.

"No, sir; he's just left to go into the country. He hasn't been gone ten minutes. You might a'most have met him." "Do you know where he has gone?" "I heard say it was Dorking, sir." "Humph! I should like to have seen him before he went. Did he take much luggage?" "One portmanter, sir." "I suppose you didn't notice where he told the man to drive?" "Yes, sir; it was Euston-square." "Ah!

Slick, sais he, 'this is dreadful. I never saw any thing so bad before in all this country; but what can't be cured must be endured, I do suppose. We must only be good-natured and do the best we can, that's all. An emigrant house is no place to stop at, is it? There is a tin case, sais he, 'containin' a cold tongue and some biscuits, in my portmanter; please to get them out.

The popular side I won't say patriotic, for we find in our steamboats a man who has a plaguy sight of property in his portmanter, is quite as anxious for its safety, as him that's only one pair of yarn stockings and a clean shirt, is for his'n the popular side are not so well informed as t'other, and they have the misfortin' of havin' their passions addressed more than their reason, therefore they are often out of the way, or rather led out of it and put astray by bad guides; well, t'other side have the prejudices of birth and education to dim their vision, and are alarmed to undertake a thing from the dread of ambush or open foes, that their guides are etarnally descryin' in the mist AND BESIDE, POWER HAS A NATERAL TENDENCY TO CORPULENCY. As for them guides, I'd make short work of 'em if it was me.