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Again the unearthly bellow came floating over the water, happily deadened by the wind, which was roaring a thousand feet over head. "CAN you make out anything, Mr. Vang?" said the Captain. "I make out 'pork-chops! sir," said the midshipman. "Take one of the boats on board, Mr. Vang. My compliments, and will be much obliged if he will come ashore immediately! On important business, say.

'Coons'd be all right but they're liable f'r to hand ye ye'er food in ragtime, an' if ye ordher pork-chops f'r dinner an' th' hall is long,'tis little ye'll have to eat whin th' platter's set down, I says. 'No, says I, 'they'se no naytionality now livin' in this counthry that're nathral bor-rn servants, I says. 'If ye want to save throuble, I says, 'ye'll import ye'er help.

At last we were relieved for an hour, and taking possession of a kitchen we fried some pork-chops with onions and potatoes. It was grand. We washed them down with coffee, and went back to duty. For the remainder of that day and for the whole of the night there was no rest for us. At dawn the Division marched in column of route north-east towards the sound of the guns.

He was delicate and abstemious, and on gross feeders he often exercised the severity of his wit. Two meals a day were all he ventured on he always avoided supper the story of his having supped on raw pork-chops that he might dream his picture of the Nightmare, has no foundation.

I was crying when I got into the 'shay' that's what we used to call it and old John Mulbery that drove it, and was a good-natured fellow, bought me a handful of apples at the Golden Lion to cheer me up a bit; and he told me that there was a currant-cake, and tea, and pork-chops, waiting for me, all hot, in my aunt's room at the great house.

They're all right, thim la-ads, with their own pork-chops delivered free at th' door. 'Tis, 'Will ye have a new spring dhress, me dear? Willum, ring thim up, an' tell thim to hist th' price iv beef. If we had a few more pitchers an' statoos in th' musoom, 'twud ilivate th' people a sthory or two.

"And now," thought Bill, "that I have found him, I will never lose sight of him. He needs someone to look after him in his old age." Over the little flat-topped stove the leathern old world-rover muttered and chuckled to himself as he prodded a fork into the browning pork-chops, shooting now and then an affectionate glance toward the bunk. "Saints be praised!" he muttered.

It was that of a young clergyman, with a very pretty girl on his arm, whom her dress pronounced to be a bride. Love was in their eyes, joy in their voice, and affluence in their gait and bearing. Charles had a faintish feeling come over him; somewhat such as might beset a man on hearing a call for pork-chops when he was sea-sick.

It was quite the most wonderful meal I had eaten since I quit the Toreador and Bowen J. Tyler's colored chef, who could make pork-chops taste like chicken, and chicken taste like heaven. After dinner I rolled a cigaret and stretched myself at ease upon a pile of furs before the doorway, with Ajor's head pillowed in my lap and a feeling of great content pervading me.

'So we should, replied Bob Sawyer, 'but the brandy was too good to leave in a hurry; wasn't it, Ben? 'Certainly, said Mr. Benjamin Allen; 'and the cigars were not bad, or the pork-chops either; were they, Bob? 'Decidedly not, said Bob.