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I will keep him alive; and he shall fight Durant's POOS over at Post Fort O' God! By the belly of Saint Gris, I say " The Killer was as good as dead if left another minute. With upraised club Le Beau advanced. As he sank his fangs deeper into Netah's throat Miki saw the new danger out of the corner of his eye. He loosed his jaws and swung himself free of The Killer as the club descended.

And Netah, for a dog, was a devil. For that reason Le Beau had chosen him to fight the big fight. Le Beau looked down at him, and drew a deep breath of satisfaction. "OW! but you are looking fine, Netah," he exulted. "I can almost see running blood in those devil-eyes of yours; OUI red blood that smells and runs, as the blood of Durant's POOS shall run when you sink those teeth in its jugular.

She had become somewhat accustomed to the brutality in Le Beau's face, but she thought that Durant was a monster. He made her afraid, and she was glad when they went from the cabin. "Now I will show you the BETE that is going to kill your POOS as easily as your lead-whelp killed that rabbit to-day, m'sieu," exulted Jacques. "I have told you but you have not seen!"

For I will catch him, and you shall fight him until he is almost dead; and then I shall cut his heart out alive, as I have promised, and you will eat it while it is still beating, so that there will be no excuse for your losing to that POOS which M'sieu Durant will bring down. COMPRENEZ? It will be a beautiful test to-morrow. And if you fail I will kill you.