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One clean shirt and a pocket-comb that's about all a chap like me wants."

Your hair is all standing on end, Heinrich! How I wish the Stein-bok had allowed me to bring a pocket-comb!" The Court Porter, seated in a bee-hive chair, came forward as soon as he saw them, to ask their business. "The Goat-King is at home to-day till five o'clock," he said. "If you will step this way, I will introduce you immediately."

Then I smoothed my hair with a little pocket-comb I had, as I dared not wait to take out any of my things. But I am afraid I did not look as neat as usual or as I might have done if I hadn't wasted my time. I hurried downstairs; a door stood open, and looking in, I was sure that it was the dining-room, and grandmamma there waiting for me.

The sun was shining brightly, and the air was warm, so that I did not feel the exposure so much as it might have been felt. Tom forthwith set about to scrape me clean, taking his own pocket-comb to disentangle my matted hair after he had washed it. The operation, though somewhat hazardous, greatly refreshed me.

After the dressing is once over for the day, think no more about it: as your hair will blow about your ears, so your temper and thoughts will get ruffled with the day's work, and may need, sometimes, twice dressing; but I don't want you to carry about a mental pocket-comb; only to be smooth braided always in the morning.

Slinkton's return. The twilight was deepening and the shadows were heavy, when he came round the point, with his hat hanging at his button-hole, smoothing his wet hair with one of his hands, and picking out the old path with the other and a pocket-comb. 'My niece not here, Mr. Sampson? he said, looking about.

I just went into His Lordship's room Sunday night to get my pocket-comb." Holmes grinned as he looked at the secretary's more or less bald pate, and said: "I don't see what you want with a comb, Thorney. But we'll give your alibi due consideration, nevertheless.

"Have you a pocket-comb about you, sir?" "What for, Jane?" "Just to comb out this shaggy black mane. I find you rather alarming, when I examine you close at hand: you talk of my being a fairy, but I am sure, you are more like a brownie." "Am I hideous, Jane?" "Very, sir: you always were, you know." "Humph! The wickedness has not been taken out of you, wherever you have sojourned."

In his attire he is effeminate; every hair knows his own station, which if it chance to lose it is checked in again with his pocket-comb. He had rather have the whole commonwealth out of order than the least member of his muchato, and chooses rather to lose his patrimony than to have his band ruffled.

The pedant was looking forward impatiently to the copious draughts of generous wine he felt sure of enjoying in the splendid chateau that was now in full view, and Leander, striving to smooth his slightly dishevelled locks with a dainty little tortoise-shell pocket-comb, was wondering, with a fluttering heart, whether a fair marquise dwelt within those walls, and would gaze down upon him from one of those windows as he alighted indulging in high hopes of the impression he should make upon her susceptible heart.