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There was a modest ring at the outer door. "Too early for a visitor!" thought the colonel. "Perhaps it is the water-rates." The neat man-servant never seen beyond the offices, save in /grande tenue/, plushed and powdered-entered and bowed. "A gentleman, sir, wishes to see you." "A gentleman," repeated the colonel, glancing towards the clock. "Are you sure it is a gentleman?" The man hesitated.

The massive log is plushed to a depth of six inches or more with mosses of three or four species, their different tones of yellow shading finely into each other, while their delicate fronded branches and foliage lie in exquisite order, inclining outward and down the sides in rich, furred, clasping sheets overlapping and felted together until the required thickness is attained.

The huge domestic, descending from his perch, gave a rap at the door which almost drove in the building. All the heads were out; the sun was shining; the very organ-boy paused; the footman, the coach, and Goldmore's red face and white waistcoat were blazing in splendour. The herculean plushed one went back to open the carriage-door. Raymond Gray opened his in his shirt-sleeves.

The gentlemen appeared in regular hunting-dress: red evening coats, white buckskin trousers, top-boots, white cravats, and white vests; the ladies were decolletees en grande toilette. Our dinner lasted till ten o'clock. The French chef served a delicious repast; everything was faultless even to the minutest details; the servants were powdered, plushed, and shod to perfection.

He expected that very likely some party would be going on, and quite looked forward to an agreeable dance. When he arrived, however, Vyvyan House was quite silent; a dim light came from a single window, but that was all. "Sir Rollo and my mother not at home, I suppose," he said to the plushed and powdered footman. "Yes, sir, they're in the library."

There was a modest ring at the outer door. "Too early for a visitor!" thought the colonel. "Perhaps it is the water-rates." The neat man-servant never seen beyond the offices, save in grande tenue, plushed and powdered-entered and bowed. "A gentleman, sir, wishes to see you." "A gentleman," repeated the colonel, glancing towards the clock. "Are you sure it is a gentleman?" The man hesitated.

His heart had been dancing all the time, his thoughts had been faraway from these things, and in the visions of his mind the sumptuous appointments of his father's castle had risen before him without rebuke. Even the plushed flunkey, that walking symbol of a sham inequality, had not been unpleasant to his dreaming view. After the meal Barrow said, "Come with me. I'll give you a jolly evening."

Even now, at this very moment, the great heart of Jingalo is throbbing from plushed stalls to gallery stair-rail. Because of you The Gaudy Girl is playing its third night to an accompaniment of hilarious riot and uproar such as have not been known in our dramatic world since the public was forced to give up its right to free sittings." The King was startled; some alarm crept into his voice.

To this feast Iuliana addressed her selfe like an Angell: in a littour of greene needle-worke wrought like an arbor, and open on euerie side was she borne by foure men, hidden vnder cloth rough plushed and wouen like eglantine and wood-bine. At the foure corners it was topt with foure round christall cages of Nightingales.