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"And you would do well to find some one some man of business to advise you and act for you," pursued Remonencq. "Ein mann of pizness!" echoed Schmucke. "You will find that you will want some one to act for you.

Discharge this awkward lout at once or I'll sue you for the price of it. "'Dis is bad pizness, says the boss. 'Six hundred dollars is much. I reckon I vill haf to "'Wait a minute, Herr Brockmann, says Sir Percival, easy and smiling. But he was worked up under his tin suitings; I could see that. And then he made the finest, neatest little speech I ever listened to.

"And you would do well to find some one some man of business to advise you and act for you," pursued Remonencq. "Ein mann of pizness!" echoed Schmucke. "You will find that you will want some one to act for you. If I were you, I should take an experienced man, somebody well known to you in the quarter, a man you can trust.... I always go to Tabareau myself for my bits of affairs he is the bailiff.

He gave a start at my entrance, and addressed me at once in some confusion, but with genuine eagerness. He was anxious to make it clear he had nothing to do with what he called the "tam pizness" of the morning. It was most inconvenient. He had reckoned upon another day up in town to settle his bills and sign certain papers.

"Listen," he began, "do you know what you ought to do in this business?" "I haf ein mann of pizness!" "Very good, come to terms at once with the next-of-kin; make them pay you a lump sum of money down and an annuity, and you can live in peace " "I ask noding more." "Very well. Let me arrange it for you," said Gaudissart.

Whiteman the Jew, ever a Greatheart, openly exulted, and voiced again his perennial confession of commercial faith in Heart's Desire. "Keep your eye on Viteman," said he. "Der railroat may go, der barber may go, der saloon may go, but not Viteman. My chudgment is like it vas eight years ago. Dis stock of goots is right vere I put it. If no one don't buy it, I keeps it. I know my pizness.

"We haven't been able to make a run since the first inning, but those seven scores were enough." "Yah," said Dunnerwurst "Dot Ephraim Gallup he didid der pizness. Der game threw him avay." "Gol dinged if yeou've gut anything to say!" rasped the Vermonter. "Yeou started all the trouble." "Uf Frankie had let der pitcher's plate stay py me a vhile longer, it vould haf peen different.

And he says like dis 'Glear oudt. 'Vat for? I say. 'Glear oudt before I shuck you oferboard. Gott-for-dam! Iss dat the vay to talk pizness? I vant sell him ein liddle case first chop grockery for trade and " "Ha, ha, ha! I don't blame Tom," interrupted the owner of a pearling schooner, who had come into the Roads for stores.

"You shall see dot I oonderstand mein pizness; for gif I look like ein German, I am ein drue Vrenchman, and vat is more, I am ver' conning." "Oh! madame, do let him go," begged Marion. "He is only thinking of saving his master; he hasn't another thought in his head. Kolb is not an Alsacien, he is eh! well a regular Newfoundland dog for rescuing folk."

Now I dell you vat I vill do, so as to have no more droubles mit you, ven I have mine pizness to addend I vill give five shillings for it."