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They would be nearin' home by this time; and I sat for a while picturin' it: the kitchen, and the women-folk there, that must have made up their minds to spend Christmas without us; particularly Lisbeth Mary that's my daughter, Daniel's wife with her mother to comfort her, an' the firelight goin' dinky-dink round the cups and saucers on the dresser.

It was hardly necessary for him to say, in this community, that he was more at home among higher walks of Art. "Are you a sign painter, Mr. Patching?" asked the coroner. "No, sir; I am not," said Patching, with dignified contempt. "Perhaps you're a carriage painter, then? Them's the fellers for picturin'. The woman and flowers on the Bully Boys' hose carriage wos well done. Hey, Jack?"

Rebecca murmured, gathering up her yarn and knitting again. "Sence they've invented them X-rays an' took to picturin' folks' insides, I kin believe anythin'." "You don't hev to take my word fer it," Droop exclaimed. "Ef you'll come right along with me this blessed minute, I'll show you the machine right now."

An' I kinder figured out you was a weedy feller, awful solemn-like, an' of course you ain't, but it's real hard for me to notion that there ain't two Mr. Holliwells, you an' the weedy sin-buster I've ben picturin'. Like as not I'll get to thinkin' of you like two fellers." Joan sighed. "Seems like when I onct get a notion in my head it jest sticks there some way."

You know your mind has got more different rooms in it than any house that wuz ever built, and some pictures and folks don't git into the very inmost rooms; they never git furder than the doorstep. There are three pictures by the King and Queen of Portugal, all on 'em picturin' humble life. The King's show a peasant drivin' cattle to water.

Why, it's the very kind of island as I've been picturin' in my mind ever since that chap Wilde began to talk about his plans, except that yonder island is a good bit bigger and altogether more promisin' than I'd ever hoped to stumble upon. But how is that there line of surf goin' to be passed through, Mr Troubridge?"

Many a day, oop on t' fell-top, t' thought o' ye's nigh driven me daft, and I've left my shepherdin' jest t' set on a cairn in t' mist, picturin' an' broodin' on yer face. Many an evenin' I've started oop t' vicarage, wi' t' resolution t' speak right oot t' ye; but when it coomed t' point, a sort o' timidity seemed t' hould me back, I was that feared t' displease ye.

Well, ma'am, you tie your pony up there and you push open those doors and you push 'em open and step plumb into Paradise. It's cool in there I'm picturin' a July evenin', Miss Sheila and it's quiet and it's shining clean. And there's a big man in white who's servin' drinks cold drinks with a grand smell. That's my man Carthy. He keeps order. You bet you, he does keep it too.

"Does your satire find nothing sacred, Martin?" returned the other, "not even the Honorable Kedge Halloway?" "I wouldn't presume," replied old Tom, "to make light of the catastrophe that overtook the heedless fly. When Halloway went on to other subjects I was so busy picturin' the last moments of that closin' life, stuck there in the fly-paper, I couldn't listen to him.