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"Here he is!" exclaimed Vaux; " Herman Lauffer, picture-framer and gilder! That's his number on Madison Avenue!" pointing to the type-written paragraph. "You see he's probably already under surveillance-one of the several services is doubtless keeping tabs on him. I think I'd better call up the " "Please! Mr. Vaux!" she pleaded. He had already touched the telephone receiver to unhook it.

The chances were a thousand to one that the picture-frame maker would get safely away with his goods; and he did. But it seemed odd to an absurdly sensitive, non-Teutonic mind it seemed somehow to lack justice that the picture-framer, after having been ruined, must risk his life in order to snatch from the catastrophe the debris of his career.

Priam had virtually promised to deliver that picture to the picture-framer on the next day, and he had not expected to receive a penny more than twelve pounds for it. But artists are strange organisms. He shook his head. Although two hundred and fifty pounds was as much as he had earned in the previous twelve months, he shook his grey head. "No?" said Mr.

Since the year 1875, the year in which Peace came to Darnall, the domestic peace of Mr. Dyson had been rudely disturbed by this same ugly little picture-framer who lived a few doors away from the Dysons' house. Peace had got to know the Dysons, first as a tradesman, then as a friend. To what degree of intimacy he attained with Mrs. Dyson it is difficult to determine.