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The African male, like the European male, is generally more amative than the female who is always more philoprogenitive than the man.

There had always been a strongly domestic, philoprogenitive side to Soames; baulked and frustrated, it had hidden itself away, but now had crept out again in this his 'prime of life. Concreted and focussed of late by the attraction of a girl's undoubted beauty, it had become a veritable prepossession. And this girl was French, not likely to lose her head, or accept any unlegalised position.

Yet even illness would be better than this intolerable publication of her husband's ability to leave her side.... She had a wonderful facility of enthusiasm and she set herself forthwith to cultivate a philoprogenitive ambition, to communicate it to him. Her dread of illness disappeared; her desire for offspring grew.

I recommend those who have cats with philoprogenitive proclivities, instead of drowning the kittens, to eat them. Either smothered in onions or in a ragout they are excellent. When I return to London I shall frequently treat myself to one of these domestic animals, and ever feel grateful to Bismarck for having taught me that cat served up for dinner is the right animal in the right place.

The MOTIF of motherhood was everywhere, and at his bedside he found it had been put there for him by Amanda among much other exaltation of woman's mission, that most wonderful of all philoprogenitive stories, Hudson's CRYSTAL AGE. Everybody at Chexington had an air of being grouped about the impending fact.

At the same time he is a theme that they were bound to treat. He is himself, indeed, the sole source and subject of tragic realism in literature. Were it not for the oppression of his futile and philoprogenitive presence, imaginative writers would be poets and romancers.

The existence of evil has puzzled wiser heads than ours, Squills. But, no doubt, there is One above who has his reasons for it. The combative bump seems as common to the human skull as the philoprogenitive, if it is in our organization, be sure it is not there without cause.

A woman's inhibitions are invitations. Women do not exist per se. They are merely the vehicles of existence. If they fail to reproduce their kind, they have failed in their purpose; they are unconsciously ruled by the philoprogenitive passion; it is their raison d'etre, for it they are fed, clothed, trained, bred. Existing for the race, they enjoy existence merely in the preliminary canter.

Small brained, short-visioned, they lose sight of the race and desire the preliminary canter, with its excitements and promises, to continue indefinitely." The word "philoprogenitive" and the French phrase stopped her. "Why on earth I didn't bring a dictionary," she said, "passes my comprehension! I'll write the words down and ask someone."

She saw that the comfortable average men of the office sooner or later, if they were but faithful and lived long enough, had opportunities, responsibility, forced upon them. No such force was used upon the comfortable average women! She endeavored to picture a future in which women, the ordinary, philoprogenitive, unambitious women, would have some way out besides being married off or killed off.