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Feathers waved, lace glittered, spears jingled, steeds caracoled; and here and there a petronel, or pistol, was fired off by some one, who found his own natural talents for making a noise inadequate to the dignity of the occasion. Boys for, as we said before, the rabble were with the uppermost party, as usual halloo'd and whooped, "Down with the Rump," and "Fie upon Oliver!"

"My servants are armed," cried Mistress Nutter, "and the first man who enters shall pay the penalty of has rashness with life. Bring me a petronel, Blackadder." The order was promptly obeyed by the ill-favoured attendant, who was stationed near the gate. "I am in earnest," said Mistress Nutter, aiming the petronel, "and seldom miss my mark." "Give attention to me, my men," cried Roger Nowell.

Sir Stephen, who had been struck by a petronel bullet, and wore a crimsoned kerchief bound round his snow-white head, saw the wisdom of the advice, and moved his townsmen as directed. His musqueteers being better provided with powder than ours did good service by keeping down for a time the deadly fire from across the fosse.

He had no heart, he said, to continue in his old trade. Indeed, he was ripe for anything the very stuff out of which useful tools are made. I found that in his youth he had had a training for the sea. When I heard that, I saw my way in the snap of a petronel. 'What then? I asked. 'I am still in the dark. 'Nay, it is surely plain enough to you now.

But this will save further explanations with you!" And he discharged the petronel full at the squire. But the ball rebounded, as if his doublet had been quilted. It was in fact lined with gold. On seeing the squire unhurt, the robber captain uttered an exclamation of rage and astonishment. "You are mistaken, you see, perfidious villain," cried Nicholas.

So saying, he rode on, and it was evident from the noise, that the men implicitly obeyed his injunctions. Nothing, however, was found, and ere many minutes Demdike came up, and glancing at the hazels, behind which the fugitives were hidden, he discharged a petronel into the largest tree, but as no movement followed the report, he said

'He struck me from behind, he said; 'my vest of mail saved me; he is dead. The more for us! I liked not Alvaro's face, and looked to my dagger lest to-morrow he should say 'The more for me. . . . "That third night Alvaro and I for the last time descended the black shaft. Well watched we each the other. He had both dagger and arquebus, and I my hand petronel and dagger too.

"A most praiseworthy resolution, Bess," said the rector; "but what is to be done with this fellow?" he added, pointing to Blackadder, who, though badly hurt, was trying to creep towards the petronel, which was lying at a little distance from him on the ground.

But, just as he touched the heavy carved side, he broke out into a cold perspiration, for there came in a sharp, short, imperious tone "Halt!" "He was not asleep," thought Scarlett; and in an instant he had seized the table to drag it away, when a loud sound from the adjoining chamber made him drop down on his hands and knees, in the expectation of a bullet from a petronel.

She then lifted him up with as much ease as if he had been an infant, and set him upon his horse, with his face towards the tail. This done, she gave the bridle to the rector, and handing him the petronel at the same time, told him to take care of his prisoner, for she must pursue her journey.