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Several of Justice Perley's court documents are to be found among the old records of the county of Sunbury, one of which reads as follows: "County of Sunbury: Be it Remembered that on the Seventh Day of July, 1774, Nathaniel Barker of Maugerville in the County of Sunbury and Province of Nova Scotia, yeoman, cometh before Me, Israel Perley, one of his Majesty's Justices assigned to keep the Peace in the sd County, and Informeth against himself that he had been this day guilty of a breach of the King's Peace, viz., by Striking with his fist the body of Rich'd Estey Jun'r of the town, County and Province aforesaid, yeoman, for which offence he is willing to submit to such a fine as the Law Requires.

He began by saying that the people of Orham had been slothful in the Lord's vineyard. They had allowed weeds to spring up and wax strong. They had been tried and found wanting. "I tell you, brothers and sisters," he declaimed, leaning over the chair back and shaking a thin forefinger in Mr. Perley's face, "God has given us a task to do and how have we done it?

Thompson had fired a dynamite charge beneath him. "Oh, the Devil!" he shrieked, and then subsided, blushing to the back of his neck. Somehow this interruption took the spirit out of the meeting. Giggles from Luther and the younger element interfered with the solemnity of Mr. Perley's closing remarks, and no one else was brave enough to "testify" under the circumstances.

He received at the Queen's hands a silver medal three inches in diameter, on the edge of which was engraved, "From Her Most Gracious Majesty to M. H. Perley, Chief Sachem of the Milicetes and Wungeet Sagamore of the Micmac nation. This medal is still in the possession of Mr. Perley's descendants. It will be noticed that the St. John river Indians are termed "Milicetes" in the above description.

"I know it," said Captain Perez, "but you must remember that John wa'n't himself for years, and what he'd have done now ain't what he'd have done 'fore he broke down. I hate to think of Perley's doin' it, somehow." "Isn't Mr. Perley a good man?" asked the housekeeper. "He's good enough, fur's I know," replied Captain Jerry, "but I know what Perez means.

Every day I watch for the names I know in the death list and some of them seem to be always there. The boy the other sub-lieutenant who was with Desmond when he was wounded, was in the list yesterday. Forest's boy is badly wounded. The old gardener has lost another son. Perley's boy is "missing," and so is the poor Pennington boy.

"I snum if you ain't a stranger! We'll have a reel movin' meetin' to-night because Mr. Perley's here, and he says he feels the sperrit a-workin'. Set right down there by the what-not. Luther," to her oldest but three, "give Cap'n Hedge your chair. You can set on the cricket. Yes, you can! Don't answer back!"

But the dining-room was very small, some of the chairs were but a little distance from the wall, and it was evident that Willy had not a true appreciation of the fact that in recent years she had grown considerably rounder and plumper than she used to be; and it made Mrs. Cliff's blood run cold to see how she bumped the back of Mr. Perley's chair, as she thrust herself between it and the wall.

They had no spades with which to dig a grave for Perley's body, but they built over him a little cairn of fallen timber, sufficient to protect him from the wolves and bears, and then prepared to march anew. But they took a last look at the large open space in which the abandoned Indian village had stood. Nothing was left there but ashes and dying coals. Not a fragment of the place was standing.

It was the unmistakable drawl and nasal twang of Perley Wyman. Her girlhood memories of Perley's voice had been freshened very recently because he had been assigned to the Corson mansion by Thompson the florist as her chief aide in decorating for the reception. "Wal, I should say he was here and then some! This was the door he came in through." "Open it! Open it at once, Perley Wyman!"