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Twa'n't a year afore that, I'd been in one day when she had a headache, an' he says, as if he was perfessin' his faith in meetin', 'By gum! I wish I could have them headaches for her! an' I thought o' speakin' of it, about now, when I run in to borrer some saleratus, an' he hollered into the bedroom: 'Lyddy Ann, you got another headache?

Boyd's serious countenance colored darkly red with wrath. Among the aggressive virtues of old Persimmon Sneed were certain whiskey-proof temperance principles, the recollection of which was peculiarly irritating to Silas Boyd, known to be more than ordinarily susceptible to proof whiskey. "I be a perfessin' Baptis', Mr. Sneed," he retorted quickly.

"An' Lem a perfessin' member of Mr. Middler's church an' me attendin' the same for goin' on thutty-seven years " "But surely, Mrs. Parraday, you are not to blame because your husband sells liquor," put in Janice, sorry for the poor woman and trying to comfort her. "Why ain't I?" sharply demanded the tavern-keeper's wife. "I've been Lem's partner for endurin' all that time, too thutty-seven years.

But Sneed was a far older man, and as nothing short of breaking his stiff neck might suffice to tame him, Silas Boyd summoned his self-control, and held his tingling hands, and gave himself only to retort. "I wouldn't take that off'n ye, Mr. Sneed, 'ceptin' I be a perfessin' member, an' pity them ez is still in the wiles an' delusions o' Satan."

At last he announced that he would take a one-year mortgage on the Barnes property for fifteen hundred dollars; and that was all he would do. "And I wouldn't do that for nobody else," he declared. "You bein' my relation I don't know's it ain't my duty as a perfessin' Christian to to help you out. I hadn't ought to afford it, but I'm willin' to go so far." Thankful shook her head.