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She published her husband's Pentameron in 1893, and the Catullus in 1894. Writing 11th July 1893 to Mrs. The reception accorded to her work by the Press, who, out of regard to Sir Richard's memory, spoke of it with the utmost kindness, gave Lady Burton many happy hours.

Other works were The Examination of W. Shakespeare touching Deer-stealing , Pericles and Aspasia , Pentameron , Hellenics , and Poemata et Inscriptiones . He quarrelled finally with his wife in 1835, and returned to England, which, however, he had to leave in 1858 on account of an action for libel arising out of a book, Dry Sticks Fagoted.

"You are taking the bread out of my mouth," commented Burton plaintively. "But," continued Mr. Payne, "there is another work that I thought of doing The Pentameron, by Giambattista Basile, and if you care to take my place I will not only stand aside but lend you the materials collected for the purpose."

Burton, who had some knowledge of the Neapolitan dialect but had never met with the work referred to, welcomed the idea; and as soon as he had finished the Nights he commenced a translation of The Pentameron, which, however, was not published until after his death. His rendering, which cannot be praised, was aptly described by one of the critics as "an uncouth performance."

At his villa Landor wrote much of his best prose the "Pentameron," "Pericles and Aspasia" and the "Trial of Shakespeare for Deer-stealing " and he was in the main happy, having so much planting and harvesting to do, his children to play with, and now and then a visitor.

Landor, in his delightful book the Pentameron a book full of the profoundest as well as sweetest humanity makes Petrarch follow up Boccaccio's eulogies of the episode of Paulo and Francesca with ebullitions of surprise and horror: "Petrarca. Perfection of poetry! The greater is my wonder at discovering nothing else of the same order or cast in this whole section of the poem.

"They did," replied the missionary, "but of course I refused." "What a fool you were," cried Burton, "to miss such a unique opportunity." The Pentameron. Burton and Gladstone. We must next record a visit to Mr. Payne, who then resided in London. Burton talked over his projects, and said that he had been wondering what book to take up after the completion of The Nights.