United States or Madagascar ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

No doubt I was changed beyond recognition, for my beard had grown during the brain fever, and my face was wrinkled and haggard. As I took a seat at a small table I saw Mme Gabin come in carrying a cup; she wished to buy a penny-worth of coffee. Standing in front of the counter, she began to gossip with the landlady of the establishment.

"Do you see that fellow with the red bonnet, the blue jerkin, and the great rough baton in his hand? I believe that clown hath the strength of a tower he has lived fifty years in the world, and never encouraged the liberal sciences by buying one penny-worth of medicaments.

Set on a quart of milk to boil, break the butter in, and stir it till the milk boils; take off all the butter, and a little of the milk; mix with the flour a pound of sugar beat fine, a penny-worth of saffron made into a tincture; take a pint of yeast that is not bitter, and stir it well into the remainder of the milk; beat up six eggs very well, and put to the yeast and milk, strain it to the flour, with some rose-water, and the tincture of saffron; beat up all together with your hands lightly, and put it into a hoop or pan well buttered.

A tariff thus enforced was not likely to be a mild one; and although the States considered that they had got a "good penny-worth" by the job, it was no easy thing to get the better, in a bargain, of the vigilant Martin, who was as thrifty a speculator as he was a desperate fighter. A more accomplished highwayman, artistically and enthusiastically devoted to his pursuit, never lived.

Ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, dong: "Lost below the prewentive sarvice station by a gentleman of great respectability a pair of blue knit pantaloons, containing eighteen penny-worth of copper a steel pencil-case a werry anonymous letter, and two keys. Whoever will bring the same to the cryer shall receive a reward. God save the King!" Then, as the hour of nine approached, what a concourse appeared!

J.D.; age 25; Londoner; can't get work, tried hard; been refused work several times on account of having no settled residence; looks suspicious, they think, to have "no home." Seems a decent, willing man. Had two penny-worth of soup this morning, which has lasted all day. Earned 1s. 6d. yesterday, bill distributing, nothing the day before. Been in good many London Casual Wards.

"Why, you are as bad a Jesuit as he, to help him out with such a fetch." "He may have changed his mind." "Bless your pure imagination, my sweet boy," said Amyas, laying his great hand on Frank's head, and mimicking his mother's manner. "I say, dear Frank, let's step into this shop and buy a penny-worth of whipcord." "What do you want with whipcord, man?" "To spin my top, to be sure."

Pray believe that I would not be as frank with any one else as I am with you. And then, I do not complain. I try to surround myself with youths who pretend they are in love with me. There is not a penny-worth of truth in all of it they all lie, but the form of the lie is beautiful because they are all well-bred people. The Count Skorzewski visits me also you must have heard of him, I am sure.

The substance of it was this: that she couldna and wouldna tak' it in hand to give me a quarter section of cake when the other three-quarters might gae dry in the bakery; that the reason she sold the small piece on the former occasion was that her daughter, her son-in-law, and their three children came from Ballahoolish to visit her, and she gave them a high tea with no expense spared; that at this function they devoured three-fourths of a ginger-cake, and just as she was mournfully regarding the remainder my servant came in and took it off her hands; that she had kept a bakery for thirty years and her mother before her, and never had a two-shilling ginger-cake been sold in pieces before, nor was it likely ever to occur again; that if I, under Providence, so to speak, had been the fortunate gainer by the transaction, why not eat my six penny-worth in solemn gratitude once for all, and not expect a like miracle to happen the next week?

Secondly, They have continually traduced the College, and troubled them in Parliaments, at the Council-Board, &c. to their great charge and molestation. They pretended also they were abridged wholy from their Trade, and might not sell a penny-worth of Mithridate, &c. without a Doctors Bill. And as to the bill itself so much railed on by them in Westminster-Hall, Coffee-Houses, Ale-Houses, &c.