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Six times out of ten, when a new enterprise is set on foot, the organizers send for Saint Pavin. Honest men, or knaves, they must all pass through his hands. They know it, and are resigned in advance. "We rely upon you," they say to him. "What advantages have you to offer?" he replies. Then they discuss the operation, the expected profits of the new company, and M. Saint Pavin's demands.

When M. de Tregars and Maxence arrived, they found the office full of people speculators, brokers, go-betweens come there to discuss the fluctuations of the day and the probabilities of the evening market. "M. Saint Pavin is engaged," one of the clerks told them. Indeed, his coarse voice could be distinctly heard behind the screen.

Among the most obstinate could be numbered M. Costeclar, who was pleased to declare, upon his word of honor, that he had lost his sleep, and his taste for business, since the day when, together with M. Saint Pavin, he had first seen Mlle. Lucienne.

But o' Thursday t' Resolution, first whaler back this season, came in port, and t' press-gang showed their teeth, and carried off four as good able-bodied seamen as iver I made trousers for; and t' place were all up like a nest o' wasps, when yo've set your foot in t' midst. They were so mad, they were ready for t' fight t' very pavin' stones. 'A wish a'd been theere! A just wish a had!

Favoral, "why did not Vincent listen to my presentiments on that ever fatal day when he brought M. de Thaller, M. Jottras, and M. Saint Pavin to dine here? They promised him a fortune." Maxence and Mlle.

"It goes," cried Jean fiercely, "wher' he ain't like to touch it, 'less Hell gits him. Father Lefleur, at the mission, says as gold's Hell's pavin', an' mebbe this'll git back wher' it come." And with vengeful force he threw back the lid of the chest. Davia's eyes expressed more than any words could have told.

"Step careful," he continued. "There's pavin' stones, and rails, and plate-glass everywheres. It looks like there'd been a primary itself." All thought that was the best of jokes and laughed. They passed round a great chasm in the street and sidewalk. Then they came to long rows of bodies stretched on the grass, or rather what was left of the grass, in the Park. Leonore shuddered.

Favoral, "and also by M. Saint Pavin, the editor of 'the Financial Pilot." "By all of them, evidently," interrupted Maxence, "even by his manager, M. de Thaller." When a man is at the bottom of a precipice, what is the use of finding out how he has got there, whether by stumbling over a stone, or slipping on a tuft of grass! And yet it is always our foremost thought.

"Of what?" said the person with the black whiskers, who was evidently their leader, "of what?" "Of ginerals like Bonnypart and Sarsfield, I'd soon have the country clear and the millstone pavin' the roads under our feet, as it will be before long, plaise God. Come, then, to business."

How do I square it with him when he comes back and finds I've stood around and seen him closed out? Old Velvet Foot, the deputy, says if the boss comes back at all he'll be wearin' a diff'rent face and flaggin' under another name. But I know better. He's as square as a pavin' block. If he wa'n't, why was he distributin' Glory Be stocks among fool outsiders, instead of keepin' it in the fam'ly?