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Occasionally she has to go to town to buy things. Once in a dog's age she leaves anchor and gets as far as Paulmouth. But other times she's never off the place." "I I feel hesitant about doing what you ask, Captain Tunis, I mean." "Why?" "You know well enough," said Sheila. "If anything should turn up if the truth should come out " "Now, are you still worrying about that, Ida May?"

He pushed off, starting his engine; and they were soon chug-chugging out upon the limitless sea. "I saw you with Cap'n Amazon going to church this morning," Lawford said. "To the First Church, I presume?" "And you?" "Oh, I drove the folks over to Paulmouth. There is an Episcopal Church there and the girls think it's more fashionable.

We aren't sailing the Marlin B., for she's in Chilean waters, owned by a South American millionaire. You can stow that kind of talk, Horry anyway, while Miss Bostwick is aboard." They were until late in the evening beating into Paulmouth Harbor, but the heavens were starlit and the air as soft as spring.

"What have you already said?" "I said I expected you were waiting for me at Cardhaven. I would not come over from Paulmouth in their car, but hurried on ahead. I wished to save you the disgrace yes, disgrace! of being found here in this this country store. Ugh!" She shuddered again. "I am determined that they shall not know your poor, dear father unfortunately married beneath him."

"When Abe fust come here to Cardhaven there was still two-three wrecking comp'nies left on the Cape. Why, 'tain't been ten years since the Paulmouth Comp'ny wrecked the Mary Benson that went onto Sanders Reef all standin'. They made a good speck out o' the job, too. "Wal, Abe bought into one o' the comp'nies was the heaviest stockholder, in fac', so nat'rally was cap'n.

There was a tall gaunt man in overalls and jumper, who, somehow, possessed a family resemblance to the gray horse, leaning against the door frame, much as his beast leaned against the wagon shaft. Perry Baker and the gray horse had traveled so many years together about Paulmouth and Cardhaven that it was not surprising they looked alike.

There were woods and fields, cranberry bogs and sand dunes, between the hamlets; and always through the open window the salt tang of the air delighted her. She was almost prepared to say she was glad she had ventured when she left the train at Paulmouth and saw her trunks put off upon the platform.

"Do sit down," she urged. "It is a long walk from the port." "You said it! And after riding over from Paulmouth in that dinky old stagecoach, too," went on the stranger, as though holding Sheila responsible for some measure of her discomfort. "Say, ain't the folks home?" She cast a sour look around the premises. "Gee! It's a lonesome place in winter, I bet." "Did you wish to see Mrs.

"Why, I don't believe Uncle Abram has a lazy bone in his body! See the nice business he has built up here. And he told me he owned shares in several vessels and other property." "That's true," Cap'n Amazon agreed promptly. "And a tidy sum in the Paulmouth National Bank. I got a letter to the bank folks he left to introduce me, if I needed cash. Yes, Abe's done well enough that way.

"Oh, I can't hope for that much, my dear," sighed the lachrymose lady, shaking her head; but she kissed Louise again. Lawford waved a hand to her at her chamber window early on Monday morning as L'Enfant Terrible drove him in the roadster to Paulmouth to catch the milk train.