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Still others patroled the narrow street that led to her home, with hopes that she might pass that way, so that they might touch the hem of her garment. These things were as naught to Jeanne Marie. She had never yet seen a man for whose intellect she did not have both a pity and a contempt. But Claude Bouvier did not pick a husband for his daughter from among the simple youths of the town.

Within the penitentiary was a garden of several acres, on the walls above which guards patroled with loaded muskets and in which prisoners raised every species of fruit and vegetable known in the region. The institution indeed was fully self-supporting.

Gaudy decorations which had been torn away by the storm were cheerfully replaced; workmen refurbished the public stands and the Royal box in the Plaza; bands paraded the avenues or gave concerts in Regengetz Circus; troops of mounted soldiers and constabulary patroled the streets.

With stoical unconcern the Police patroled their beats, rode in upon the reserves, careless, cheery, but with eyes vigilant for signs and with ears alert for sounds of the coming storm. Only the Mounted Police, however, and a few old-timers who knew the Indians and their half-breed kindred gave a single moment's thought to the bare possibility of danger.

The Inspector gravely nodded. "You don't think for a moment," continued Cameron, "there is any need any real need I mean for me to " Cameron's voice died away. The Inspector hesitated and cleared his throat. "Well of course, we are desperately short-handed, you know. Every man is overworked. Every reserve has to be closely patroled. Every trail ought to be watched. Runners are coming in every day.

At the corner below the crowded Castle Café, in the north side of the square, which was now patroled by brilliant dragoons, two men met and exchanged the compliments of the day. One of them had just come up on horseback. He dismounted, leaving the animal in charge of an urchin who saw a gavvo in sight. This man was young and rather dashing in appearance.

Moreover, I found myself outdone in everything by the young lumbermen who lodged there. I patroled the river-bank regularly those days, though there was little or nothing for me to do there.

The people even obliged the life-guards, who patroled through the streets, to join in the cry of "High-church and Ormond!" and in Smithfield they burned the picture of king William. Thirty persons were imprisoned for being concerned in these riots.

Commanding officers will have their respective districts patroled at least once each hour during the day and night. Shoes must be blacked and all brasses bright and shining at all times. Be courteous in your contact with both natives and Spaniards and see that all soldiers of other commands observe this rule.

We intercepted a wireless message in French in which two French cruisers were exchanging data in regard to their positions. "The captain told me that he imagined those to be two vessels who regularly patroled the fishing grounds in the interest of French fisheries.