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The backs of the houses all overlook the port, and all are balconied and furnished with flowered terraces, from which one can fish, look at his reflection, or take a header into the water at pleasure. A glorious nook for a reading-party's holiday, Los Pasages. Not if fair mysteries like my friend crop up there; but where is she, by-the-way?

Belcha's Brigands Pale-Red Republicans The Hyena More about the San Margarita Arrival of a Republican Column The Jaunt to Los Pasages A Sweet Surprise "The Prettiest Girl in Spain" A Madrid Acquaintance A Costly Pull The Diligence at Last Renteria and its Defences A Furious Ride In France Again Unearthing Santa Cruz The Outlaw in his Lair Interviewed at Last The Truth about the Endarlasa Massacre A Death-Warrant The Buried Gun Fanaticism of the Partisan-Priest.

Sebastian, and the Castle of Urgel fell before long into the power of the French; another division burned, at the port of Los Pasages, six vessels which chanced to be on the stocks; an English squadron destroyed those at Centera and in the port of Vigo.

On Tuesday, August 12th, the Buenaventura, flying a George's Jack at her peak, was off Fontarabia for a portion of the day, close in shore. At nightfall she disappeared it is now supposed into the sheltered and almost invisible inlet of Los Pasages, between Fontarabia and San Sebastian. Before daybreak on Wednesday, the Carlists under Dorregaray swarmed down from the hills covering Cape Higuer.

It has a population of some 5,000, and in ordinary years does a good trade in tiles and bricks, tanned leather, and smith's work, besides sending wood to Los Pasages for the purposes of the boat-builders.

That night I dreamt of Eugenia, the baker's daughter, the pride of Los Pasages, who was waiting for a husband, but would have none but one who helps Charles VII. to the throne.

The Carlist general turned aside in consequence to the siege of Bilbao, in which a few weeks later he met his death. In February, 1836, some changes in the French ministry increased the power of Thiers, who had so recently advocated the policy of intervention. Palmerston now proposed a French expedition to the Basque provinces, while the British were to occupy St. Sebastian and Pasages.

After the infantry came a company of the 2nd Regiment of Mountain Artillery with four small pieces, each drawn by a single mule, and behind them a squadron of Mounted Chasseurs, and a long cavalcade of pack-horses and mules. After a deal of exploration a driver was dug up, and after a deal of negotiation he consented to take me to Los Pasages.

The refuge is not unknown to English seamen, for there is a stirring trade in minerals with Cardiff, in more tranquil times. But now Los Pasages is deserted from the bar down to the uttermost point of its long river-like stretch inland, except by the smacks and small boats of the native fishers, a tiny tug, and a large steamer from Seville which is lying by the wharf.

The little land-locked harbour of Pasages has for some years been rapidly rising to the rank of a first-class shipping port.