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He was opening and closing the pantrey drawers, and although young, and not a housekeeper, I knew that he was not looking in them for edables. "If you'll go up to your room, Miss Bab," he said, "I'll mix you an Eggnogg, without alkohol, of course, and bring it up. An Eggnogg is a good thing to stay the stomache with at night. I frequently resort to one myself."

How terrable, to, to think of us as betrayed by one of our own MENAGE! It was indeed a cricis. However, by getting in through a pantrey window, which I had done since a child for cake and so on, I entered the hall and was able, without a sound, to close and lock the library door.

Lucy Gray had been on Secret Service that day, but did the observing from the windows of their house, as my Familey was at home and liable to poke into my room at any moment. William had made it up with the cook, Lucy said, and had showed her a game of Solitaire in the morning by the kitchin window. He had then fallen asleep in the pantrey, the window being up.

I drank the Eggnogg, feeling that I would need all my strength for what was to come, and then went down to the pantrey. It was in perfect order, except that one of the tea towles had had a pen wiped on it.

I therfore ran in after him and said: "William, you are right and I am wrong. Go back to your Pantrey, and leave the Flag to me. From now on it will be my duty." I therfore went upstairs to my father's dressing room, where he was shaveing for dinner, and opened the window. He was disagreable and observed: "Here, shut that! It's as cold as blue blazes."

I therfore felt that she would probably be angry and send me to bed. But she was not. She got up very sudenly and came around the table while William was breaking a plate in the pantrey, and put her hand on my shoulder. "Dear little Bab!" she said. "You are right and I am wrong, and we will just turn in and do what we can, all of us. We will give the party money to the Red Cross."

Jane spent the night with me, and being unable to sleep, owing to dieting again and having an emty stomache, wakened me at 2 A. M. and we went to the pantrey together. When going back upstairs with some cake and canned pairs, we heard a door close below. We both shreiked, and the Familey got up, but found no one except Leila, who could not sleep and was out getting some air.

"It is a part of the Plattsburg idea that a good soldier must have nourishment, as his strength is all he has, the Officers providing the brains." I then rang for Hannah, and ofered her to dollars to bring Jane a tray at noon and to sneak it from the kitchin, not the pantrey. "From the kitchin?" she said. "Miss Bab, it's as much as my life is worth to go to the kitchin.

I was rather scared, as I do not like the dark, feeling when in it that Something is behind me and about to cluch at me. I therfore stood still and felt like screaming, when suddenly the door of the Butler's pantrey squeaked. Could I then have shreiked I would have, but I had no breath for the purpose.

I am therfore writing on the stairs, as I can then hear him washing Silver in the pantrey. Mother has been very sweet to me this evening. I cannot record how I feel about the change. I used to feel that she loved me when she had time to do so, but that she had not much time, being busy with Bridge, Dinners, taking Leila out and Housekeeping, and so on. But now she has more time.