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There are in this neighbourhood some other and lower plains, but they do not abut one at the foot of the other, in the manner hereafter to be described, so characteristic of Patagonia. The plain on which the settlement stands is crossed by many low sand-dunes, abounding with the minute shells of the Paludestrina australis, d'Orbigny, which now lives in the bay.

On the northern bank of the great estuary of the Rio Plata, near Maldonado, I found at the head of a lake, sometimes brackish but generally containing fresh water, a bed of muddy clay, six feet in thickness, with numerous shells of species still existing in the Plata, namely, the Azara labiata, d'Orbigny, fragments of Mytilus eduliformis, d'Orbigny, Paludestrina Isabellei, d'Orbigny, and the Solen Caribaeus, Lam., which last was embedded vertically in the position in which it had lived.

Olicancilleria Braziliensis d'Orbigny. 4. Olicancilleria auricularia, d'Orbigny. 5. Olivina puelchana, d'Orbigny. 6. Buccinanops cochlidium, d'Orbigny. 7. Buccinanops globulosum, d'Orbigny. 8. Colombella sertulariarum, d'Orbigny. 9. Trochus Patagonicus, and var. of ditto, d'Orbigny. 10. Paludestrina Australis, d'Orbigny. 11. Fissurella Patagonica, d'Orbigny. 12. Crepidula muricata, Lam. 13.

In one part, however, where this gravel and the red mud passed into each other, I found several bones and a tolerably perfect head of the Megatherium. Some of the large Volutas, though embedded in the gravel-bed C, were filled with the red mud, including great numbers of the little recent Paludestrina australis.