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Neethling said in the Legislative Council, a man of seventy was sent down from Paarl to Beaufort West without being allowed to say good-bye to his wife, who was left behind without means of support. Their house was searched for papers, but without result, and the man a member of the Afrikander Bond was sent back, after eighteen months' deportation, without any charge having been made against him.

I've commanded a district in India, and I give you my word the native troops are splendid men. "'Oh, I should not mind them at Worcester, says Adrian. 'I would sell you forage for them at Worcester yes, and Paarl and Stellenbosch; but Almighty! he says, 'must I stay with Cronje till you have taught half a million of these stupid boys to ride? I shall be an old man.

It is very coarse and unintellectual of me; but I would rather see this now, at my age, than Italy; the fresh, new, beautiful nature is a second youth or CHILDHOOD si vous voulez. To-morrow we shall cross the highest pass I have yet crossed, and sleep at Paarl then Stellenbosch, then Capetown.

This meeting, at which no less than a hundred addresses were presented from every part of Africa from the far-off Zambesi to the fruit-growing district of the Paarl, almost entirely populated by Dutch even this great demonstration that one great man was capable of inspiring quickly faded from my memory in view of the insight which three weeks as his guest gave me of the many sides of his life, occupations, and character.

The pavilions are relieved by groups of pilasters with Corinthian capitals, and are surmounted by domes and ventilators. The whole of the ground floor up to the level of the main floor has been built of Paarl granite, which is obtained from the neighbouring district of that name.

One hundred thousand settled in Friesland and Holland, 25,000 in Switzerland, 75,000 in Germany, and 50,000 in England. Some made their way even to the distant Cape of Good Hope, where they remained in the Paarl district. In war, as in industry, the exiles were a source of strength to the countries which received them.

I had been told it was the prettiest town in the colony, and it IS very pretty, with oak-trees all along the street, like those at Paarl and Wagenmakkers Vley; but I was disappointed. It was less beautiful than what I had seen. Besides, the evening was dull and cold. The south-easter greeted us here, and I could not go out all the afternoon.

Numerous Boer patriots then devised the remedy of preserving the vernacular by raising it to the standard of a written and printed language for official as well as common use. He had the co-operation of many other educated patriots likewise. The Paarl Patriot, a journal published in the vernacular, is one of the surviving efforts.

I walked back to breakfast, and thought Worcester the prettiest place I had ever seen. We then started for Paarl, and drove through 'Bain's Kloof', a splendid mountain-pass, four hours' long, constant driving.

Some drink beer, and drink a good deal, but Choslullah thought it 'very wrong for Malay people, and not good for Christian people, to be drunk beasties; little wine or beer good for Christians, but not too plenty much. I gave him ten shillings for himself, at which he was enchanted, and again begged me to write to his master for him when I wanted to leave Caledon, and to be sure to say, 'Mind send same coachman. He planned to drive me back through Worcester, Burnt Vley, Paarl, and Stellenbosch a longer round; but he could do it in three days well, so as 'not cost Missus more money', and see a different country.