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"I'd say those things, too, if I were in his place," came the words of Giddings, overshooting their mark, the ear of Miss Addison; "but it's all rot. He's disgusted with the whole barbarous outfit of us." "I am becoming curious," was the sotto voce reply, "to know upon what model you found your conduct, Mr. Giddings." "I know what you mean," said Mr. Giddings. "But I have adopted Iago." "Why, Mr.

This headland lies in the latitude of 5 degrees 2 minutes south, and meridian distance from Cape Mabo 1,290 miles. In the night we lay by, for fear of overshooting this headland, between which and Cape St. Manes the land is high, mountainous and woody, having many points of land shooting out into the sea, which make so many fine bays; the coast lies north-north-east and south-south-west.

By overshooting the mark, or by "flying an eagle flight, forth and right on," he has pointed out the limit or line of separation, between what is practicable and what is barely conceivable by imposing impossible tasks on the naked strength of the will, he has discovered how far it is or is not in our power to dispense with the illusions of sense, to resist the calls of affection, to emancipate ourselves from the force of habit; and thus, though he has not said it himself, has enabled others to say to the towering aspirations after good, and to the over-bearing pride of human intellect "Thus far shalt thou come, and no farther!"

After several times falling short of my destination and as often overshooting it, I came unexpectedly round a corner, upon Mill Pond Bank.

In due time we had swung round, and were after him again, the wiser for this lesson. Next time we overhauled him we made our approach in a far more gingerly manner. We kept as little way as possible on our boat, determined not to lose time again by overshooting our mark.

"You're overshooting. You saw me ashore." "Yes, we saw you," replied Mr. Grigsby. "Meaning, I suppose," resumed the long-nosed man, "that if I didn't do it some of my friends did. You saw them ashore, too, didn't you?" "Saw one of them, perhaps," admitted Mr. Adams.

As the toiling specks of men grew nearer and larger, he estimated the range, judged the deflection of the wind that swept at right angles across the line of fire, and calculated the chances of overshooting marks that were so far below his level. But he did not shoot. Not until they reached the beginning of the passage did he make his presence known.

The bull was only startled a trifle and trotted off a hundred yards. Here he stopped to look and listen. Young drew his bow again, and overshooting his mark, his arrow struck one of the broad thick palms of the antlers. The point pierced the two inches of bone and wedged tight, making a sharp report as it hit. This started the animal off at a fast trot.

Don't anybody shoot!" called the Colonel in a loud whisper, and it was repeated by the line oflficers. "It will reveal our position. Lie down and keep perfectly quiet. They're overshooting us." The rebel battery in the fort waked up, and, more to show its good will than anything else, began shelling the surrounding landscape.

"Now, don't you be for overshooting the mark, Tookey," said Mr. Macey, nodding his head aside admonishingly. "That's what you're allays at; if I throw a stone and hit, you think there's summat better than hitting, and you try to throw a stone beyond.