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"Commend me to the latter, an ye will," answered Hereford, on whose brow a cloud of something like distaste had spread; "but by mine honor, I love not the business of the last week. I have brought it to a close, however, and praise the saints for it." "Bah! thou art over-squeamish, Hereford.

"You don't like Gershom, I infer; but when you are ready to sweep, remember you mustn't be over-squeamish about your broom." "I have heard," rejoined Corinna, still laughing, "that a new broom sweeps clean. Why not try a new one next time?" "You mean when I run for the Presidency?" Was he joking, or was there an undercurrent of seriousness in his words?

It is only brute ignorance that selects a grave instead of dishonor modern education instructs us more wisely, and teaches us not to be over-squeamish about such a trifle as breaking a given word or promise. Blessed age of progress!

I made a mental note of this and wondered if my Lord Cornwallis had met with some new change of heart. He was not over-squeamish as I had known him. Then I heard the baronet say: "But yet the thing is done?" "As good as done. The Indians are to have powder and lead of us, after which they make a sudden onfall on the over-mountain settlements.

Max made a gesture expressive of indifference on that point. "People who form the drug habit are seldom over-squeamish in other respects," he said. "He has certainly hastened matters, but he is not responsible for the evil itself. That has been germinating during the whole of her life." "And that was why Sir Kersley jilted her mother?" Olga spoke in a low, detached voice.

Thus she soon had the run of the private apartments, and became upon friendly terms with both Stürmer and Fredericks. This went on for some months, and even at the Imperial Court, where nobody was over-squeamish, the conduct of little Madame Violle who came from nowhere and whose past was quite obscure except to Rasputin, Madame Vyrubova, her sister and myself was looked upon somewhat askance.