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Perhaps his only fault is that he was born four centuries too late. Then, as the heat became too great, he took off his over-coat, adding: 'He's a long while fetching his tobacco. 'Oh! his tobacco! I know what that means, said Mahoudeau, who had set to work at his bust, finishing the whiskers; 'he has simply gone next door. 'Oh! so you still see the herbalist? 'Yes, she comes in and out.

"In April, 1882, a raw and backward spring, he caught cold, and increased it by walking out in the rain and, through forgetfulness, omitting to put on his over-coat. He had a hoarse cold for a few days, and on the morning of April 19 I found him a little feverish, so went to see him next day.

The doctor ceased speaking and cleared his throat. A silence followed. The doctor slowly buttoned up his over-coat, and began looking for his hat which he had dropped as he walked about. "I lost my temper," he muttered, bending down to the floor. "I quite lost sight of the fact that you cannot attend to me now. . . . God knows what I have said. . . . Don't take any notice of it, Olga."

"'O, two or three miles, he replied, but in a hurried kind of a way. 'Not far in the daytime but a regular journey in a night like this? "'Yes, said I, as the house shook under a fresh gust; 'it is fortunate I have a place in which to put up. "He glanced down at my baggage which consisted of a small hand bag, an over-coat and a fishing pole, with something like a gleam of disappointment.

I will cry 'bravo' to every pasquinade Dickens lets off on that demented class, which cried out every time they saw that buffalo-skin over-coat appear: 'The Gods have come down to us." We feel the blows of others, but, we are not conscious of those we give to our christian neighbors. I, on the contrary, wish not to be blinded by my patriotic feeling, as italian, in judging Mr.

There came a craving desire to see the face of that man again to keep him in view to know more of him. Snatching up his hat, and hastily putting on an over-coat, our excited observer ran into the street, pursued the direction the stranger had taken, and soon overtook him. He noticed that the clothes of this man were filthy and ragged, but that his linen, however neglected, was of finest texture.

In this state of painful suspense, vibrating between hope and fear, we remained, until the master fisherman threw on the deck a ball of cord, made of tough, strong bark, about the size of a man's thumb, from which they cut seven pieces of about nine feet each went to Capt. Hilton and attempted to take off his over-coat, but were prevented by a signal from their Captain.

With evening dress he wore a tan overcoat so short that his black coat-tails hung visible, five inches below the over-coat; but after a season or two he lengthened his overcoat till it touched his heels, and he passed out of his tight trousers into trousers like great bags.

I came back with an intake pipe burst, one rocker torn away: the splinters had made a number of holes in my over-coat and two notches in the propeller. All these accounts of the chase, cruel and clear, seem to breathe a savage joy and the pride of triumph. The sight of a burning airplane, of an enemy sinking down, intoxicated him.

A handful of brass buttons would catch every one of them as swiftly and as surely as a piece of red flannel will a gudgeon. Our regular fee for an escort for three of us to the woods was six over-coat or dress-coat buttons, or ten or twelve jacket buttons. All in the mess contributed to this fund, and the fuel obtained was carefully guarded and husbanded.