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M. Krempe was not equally docile; and in my condition at that time, of almost insupportable sensitiveness, his harsh blunt encomiums gave me even more pain than the benevolent approbation of M. Waldman. "D n the fellow!" cried he; "why, M. Clerval, I assure you he has outstript us all. Ay, stare if you please; but it is nevertheless true.

The rivalry between England and Holland had begun before the Civil War, and during that war Holland had found in England's distractions a splendid opportunity for stealing a march on her most powerful rival. In her colonial enterprise she had easily outstript Spain and Portugal, and more than held her own with England. Her trade was the largest of the world.

Trieste stands forth as a rival of Venice, which has, in a low practical view of things, outstript her. Italian zeal naturally cries for the recovery of a great city, once part of the old Italian kingdom, and whose speech is largely, perhaps chiefly, Italian to this day. But, a cry of "Italia Irredenta," however far it may go, must not go so far as this.

Lawson, "they outstript our English," when placed in like circumstances that they were no longer desolate and dependent, and had grown vigorous, and perhaps wanton, in the smiles of fortune was quite enough to re-awaken in the bosoms of "our English" the ancient national grudge upon which they had so often fed before.

He was urged by no necessity, he was prompted by no policy; his impatience of courage in an enemy, his hatred of patriotism and integrity in all, of which he had no idea himself, and saw no image in those about him, outstript his blind passion for fame, and left him nothing but power and celebrity.

Meanwhile, in following the adventures of Walter Lester, we have greatly outstript the progress of events of Grassdale, and thither we now return. Her thoughts as pure as the chaste morning's breath, When from the Night's cold arms it creeps away, Were clothed in words. Sir J. Suckling Detraction Execrated "You positively leave us then to-day, Eugene?" said the Squire.

The youngest Dalmatian towns, which could boast neither of any mythical origin nor of any Imperial foundation, the city which, as it were, became a city by mere chance, has outstript the colonies of Epidauros, of Corinth, and of Rome.

Meanwhile, in following the adventures of Walter Lester, we have greatly outstript the progress of events of Grassdale, and thither we now return. Her thoughts as pure as the chaste morning's breath, When from the Night's cold arms it creeps away, Were clothed in words. Sir J. Suckling Detraction Execrated "You positively leave us then to-day, Eugene?" said the Squire.

"Such were her lovely limbs, so flushed her charming face So round her neck! her eyes so fair! So rose her swelling chest! so flow'd her amber hair! While her swift feet outstript the wind, And left the enamor'd God of Day behind." Certes, Booth was in love when he wrote this eulogy.

The lawyer, emulating the eloquence, business, and fame of Murray or Dunning, and secretly resolved not to slacken his efforts, until all his rivals in the race for glory are outstript is often astonished, as well as broken-hearted, to find business and fame pass by his door, and stop at the more favored mansion of some competitor, in his view less able, and less discerning, than himself.