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And sinking forward, she laid her now weeping face upon the breast of her uncle. Her tears were the out-gushing waters of gladness. "You have the money, child?" said Mr. Hartman, after the lapse of a few moments. "Where did you get it?" "I have had no need to spend my salary." "Your salary! Have you saved it all?" "Every dollar.

"Flatterers, madam?" said Ralph, laughing, "that is true of some of us, but not of me; I am so perfectly sincere, and clad in the simplicity of my nature to that degree, that what I say is the pure out-gushing of my heart ahem!" The lady smiled, and motioned toward a settee. "The beauties of nature " "Yes, my dear madam." "Are ahem!" "Yes, yes."

This does not consist in a single act, a single out-gushing of generous activity, but in a series of generous actions, flowing from an established principle; a principle pervading the whole soul, never wavering, never succumbing to the biddings of selfishness. But the benevolent character thus deeply laid is the Christian character.

Howitt sets forth, we do presume to think that it is high time to protest against Mr. Howitt's spiritualism, as being a little in excess of the peculiar merit of Thomas L. Harris's sermons, and somewhat TOO "full, out-gushing, unstinted, and absorbing". "After the valets, the master!" is Mr. Fechter's rallying cry in the picturesque romantic drama which attracts all London to the Lyceum Theatre.

And so they watched, every eye, and still the pumps clanged and clattered; still their feet were sluiced with out-gushing liquid that was now merely slime. And then the first pump sucked sucked hoarsely and throatily and another, and another yet the mud clung tenaciously to the vessel's keel and bilges. "She rises! Th' bloomin' ol' lady rises!" roared Blunt, and Barry stared at him in disgust.

Every now and then there came a sudden increase of the united sounds as if the "swell" of the great organ had been opened, and such out-gushing was always accompanied with more or less of indescribable shocks followed by prolonged tremors of the entire mountain.

Every now and then there came a sudden increase of the united sounds as if the "swell" of the great organ had been opened, and such out-gushing was always accompanied with more or less of indescribable shocks followed by prolonged tremors of the entire mountain.