United States or Sierra Leone ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

This Gentleman's Temper is made out of such a happy Mixture of the Mild and the Cholerick, that he out-does both his predecessors, and has drawn together greater Audiences than have been known in the Memory of Man.

The Baron proceeds on his voyage Convoys a squadron to Gibraltar Declines the acceptance of the island of Candia His chariot damaged by Pompey's Pillar and Cleopatra's Needle The Baron out-does Alexander Breaks his chariot, and splits a great rock at the Cape of Good Hope.

The proper business of friendship is to inspire life and courage; and a soul, thus supported, out-does itself; whereas if it be unexpectedly deprived of those succours, it droops and languishes.

In the meantime, it is evident their wealth at this time out-does that of the like rank of any nation in Europe; and as their number is prodigious, so is their commerce; for the inland commerce of England and it is of those tradesmen, or traffickers, that I am now speaking in particular is certainly the greatest of its kind of any in the world; nor is it possible there should ever be any like it, the consumption of all sorts of goods, both of our own manufacture, and of foreign growth, being so exceeding great.