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"Onct I slipped off wid another gal an' went to a party dout asking Old Mis'. When dem Night Riders come dat night, de Niggers was a-runnin' an' a-dodgin' an' a-jumpin' out-a winders lak dey was scairt to death. I runs too, me an' dat other gal. I fell down an' tore my dress, but I warnt studyin' dat dress. I knows dat dem white folks had dat strap an' I's gittin' 'way fas' as I could.

Barely saluting the callers, he turned at once to his wife and began, in an outraged tone, "I have to leave my team to drive the old woman Hiller's hogs out-a my wheat. I go to take dat old woman to de court if she ain't careful, I tell you!" His wife spoke soothingly. "But, Frank, she has only her lame boy to help her. She does the best she can."

Early on the morrow Gold-mane arose and clad himself and went out-a- doors and over the trodden snow on to the bridge over the Weltering Water, and there betook himself into one of the coins of safety built over the up-stream piles; there he leaned against the wall and turned his face to the Thorp, and fell to pondering on his case.

"He's r-right!" emphatically whispered Galahad. She attempted to draw back a step, but found herself against the shelves. M. D'Hemecourt had not answered. Mazaro spoke again. "Boat-a you canno' help-a, eh? I know, 'out-a she gettin' marry, eh?" Pauline trembled.

For from our own bodies must we clothe thee, and if by any hap our lady were to see any one of us more or less unclad, it might draw her on to see what was toward, and we might yet be found out, for our undoing. Therewith she took her hand, and led her forth of the prison, and locked the door behind her; and then downstairs they went, and out-a- doors by a little wicket at the stair-end.

When it reached Master Simon, he raised it in both hands, and with the air of a boon companion struck up an old Wassail Chanson: The brown bowle, The merry brown bowle, As it goes round-about-a, Fill Still, Let the world say what it will, And drink your fill all out-a. The deep canne, The merry deep canne, As thou dost freely quaff-a, Sing Fling, Be as merry as a king, And sound a lusty laugh-a.*

Wherefore she turned and went hastily down the hall, and out-a- doors, and over the bridge, and ran fleet-foot down the rocky way whereby she had come, till she could run no further, and lay down under a great stone breathless and fordone; yet her heart upheld her and suffered her not to swoon, belike because she had given her limbs such hard work to do.

But methinks the father here will lead thee out-a- gates; for he may show thee a lair, wherein thou shalt be safe enough to-night; and to-morrow may bring new tidings. So the priest made obeisance to her and led her down the hall, and the castellan's eyes were following them till the screen hid them.

When it reached Master Simon he raised it in both hands, and with the air of a boon companion struck up an old Wassail chanson: The browne bowle, The merry browne bowle, As it goes round about-a, Fill Still, Let the world say what it will, And drink your fill all out-a.

Suddenly the face of the young school-mistress grew pale, and then crimson, as she caught a glimpse of a face that leaned wearily beside the coach-door and looked out-a face not unfamiliar, and yet not well- remembered; a handsome, manly face, overshadowed by a military cap-and like a sudden flash came the thought that she had seen that face before.