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As the time for the beginning of the fourth performance drew near, a crowd had again gathered, listening to the Femme Orchestre and moving in groups of two and three toward the entrance where Philidor in the intervals between announcements pocketed their coins and watched Yvonne. This last occupation was one in which of late he had taken great delight.

After he had heard me play, though, he came over to me and said: 'The best apology I can make for what I said is to ask you to do me the honor of playing with the Orchestre Colonne in Paris. He was as good as his word. Four months later I went to Paris and played the Mendelssohn concerto for him with great success."

As everyone knows, the play is laid in rural France, and deals with the loves of a French countess who has fled from her husband to join her lover, also married, upon the road, where they become members of a band of strolling mountebanks, the lady masquerading as a Dame Orchestre and the gentleman as an itinerant painter of portraits Markham stopped, his eyes seeking those of his hostess.

"Foolish man. Mean! It means that Yvonne Deschamps has found a fairy godmother who has transformed her. She has now become a Femme Orchestre and for two sous will discourse sweet music to the rustic ear mandolin and mouth organ, bells, cymbals and drum "

And the Signora meanwhile would juggle with a piece of paper, an egg, and a cannonball. O Jesu! They should see! He stopped and looked at Hermia. A Femme Orchestre! In all his travels in Italy he had never seen one. The signora was an artista, though. That was clear. One only had to look at her to see that. He would listen with delight to her music.

It was the daughter of Madame Bordier's late sister Pauvre fille who had worn the costume. She was a Femme Orchestre of such skill that her name was known from one end of the Eure to another. She made money, too, bien sžr, but hŽlas! she married a vaurien acrobat who had taken her off to America, where she had died last year.

Yvonne Deschamps Femme Orchestre, Messieurs et Dames, queen of the lyrical world, the musical marvel of the century, artist by appointment to the President of the RŽplublique Franaise and all the crowned heads of Europe. How will that do?" "Beautifully. And you what will you do?" "I Oh, I will pass the hat." She laughed. "So! You intend to live in luxury at my expense.

The boxes to the number of two hundred and twenty-two, are said to contain thirteen hundred persons; and the pit, including the orchestre, seven hundred and twenty-four, making in all two thousand and twenty persons. The construction of this house is remarkable for iron only being employed in lieu of wood. The architect was LOUIS.

"How curious!" she exclaimed, examining the contrivance. "It is the music," put in the Signora pleasantly, "of our Femme Orchestre. She is ill. We were forced to leave her yesterday at La Mesle. To-morrow she will play again. The Contessa will hear her, perhaps?" Philidor breathed gratefully. A firmer hand than his now controlled their destinies.

A brass bell from VallŽcy! Still he did not understand. He took the object up again and scrutinized it, its meaning dawning slowly. VallŽcy! That was the village where he and Hermia had stayed with Mre GuŽgou. There was the garden of the golden roses where The bell! It was from Hermia's head-dress the belled cap of the Femme Orchestre! He knew it now. It was a token.